Flying W, in jersey is excellent for a burger in the summer time (bring a bathing suit for the cool pool) (South/central jersey.. just outside philly)
RKD/ BHB Maine. RKD has a cool transportation musem on field, as well as nearby lobster fest activities, BHB has Arcadia National park.
In Nh, Leb(anon), for some nice scenery, Mt. Washington, as you get to fly up the white mountains right over 93, and see the presedential mountain range up close.
In the Winter, Alton Bay NH plows out a 5,000 foot ice runway, and has a pancake fly in Pres. day weekend every year. It gets an ICAO ID, so you can actually take most rented planes there. If you are unsure, go to LCI, and rent one with an instructor.
Wolfboro, NH.. but i think that one is gone... cool lake island airport.
Plymoth NH is a nice little 2300 ft grass field open to the public, nestled in the hills (may-nov) just call ahead to check on field conditions.
MHT has a small musem (open 3 days a week).
LCI also has gunstock ski area right around the corner, and is home of the Laconia Bike ralley (2nd or 3rd largest next to daytona and sturgis) There is a small boardwalk, water park, summer vacation area near by (decent non tree scenery there) also has the redneck airforce there 2x a year for Nascar (NHIS - Louden) if you want to spy a driver good views from the fence.
BTV has an active ANG squad, and an open observation tower in the terminal
MPV has Sambles resturante on field... which has EXCELLENT food... def. a good $100 burger place.
On Long Island, CCV (calverton) is open as a private field, if yuo call ahead you can land there. It was the site where the F-14 was developed and tested. some cool static displays etc, old facilities there.
MVY, block island, ACK for obvious summer reasons. MVY is good for celeb sightings in the summer.