When is the best time to request a facility change?


New Member
I have been considering whether or not to put in a request for a different location. But I don't know if that's a smart thing to do because I'm not cleared yet. But I've also heard that your location has a lot to do with your school date. My TOL is for ZLA, but I'd like to go to BNA (which was not originally on my geo prefs list).

Can anyone who has switched facilities provide some insight…….when, if any time during the application process, has the best chance for a successful switch?

And anyone who has any info on BNA (staffing needs, mngmt, etc). Thanks!
Last I checked, BNA was full. I live in Nashville and put TN as one of my geo prefs, but I wasn't picked for it -- I got a regional airport in St. Louis, MO (my first state preference). I thought I'd have a better chance/advantage at BNA because I already knew two of the controllers who are near retirement age. When I toured BNA, I met with Sherrie Jensen, who is the manager there. There are a lot on a "waiting list" of sorts that are trying to get in to the facility but can't because of availability. There are some that are CTI grads and others that are OTS.
I have been considering whether or not to put in a request for a different location. But I don't know if that's a smart thing to do because I'm not cleared yet. But I've also heard that your location has a lot to do with your school date. My TOL is for ZLA, but I'd like to go to BNA (which was not originally on my geo prefs list).

Can anyone who has switched facilities provide some insight…….when, if any time during the application process, has the best chance for a successful switch?

And anyone who has any info on BNA (staffing needs, mngmt, etc). Thanks!

We were told but the Head FAA guy at the KC pepc that you could not change your offer there. If you wanted something else...your day was done. It was a rather embarrassing moment for the guy trying to get a switch.
Last I checked, BNA was full. I live in Nashville and put TN as one of my geo prefs, but I wasn't picked for it -- I got a regional airport in St. Louis, MO (my first state preference). I thought I'd have a better chance/advantage at BNA because I already knew two of the controllers who are near retirement age. When I toured BNA, I met with Sherrie Jensen, who is the manager there. There are a lot on a "waiting list" of sorts that are trying to get in to the facility but can't because of availability. There are some that are CTI grads and others that are OTS.

Aaaah, you'll like it there, trust me. I grew up like 5 miles from the airport and worked there on and off through out the years.