What's Wrong with this Picture?

NY drivers, particularly LI and NYC are the worst drivers I’ve ever experienced. Florida is terrible too, but then half of them are from NY.
I lived and worked in Boston for 6 months trying to closeout a company project. A fellow SoCal employee picked me up at the airport . On the way to the hotel he explained the Boston rules:
  • Turn signals are a sign of weakness. (At the time I thought he was kidding,
  • When asking for directions, how to pronounce the city of Peabody (Pe-Ba-De)
  • When you see a traffic signal blinging green, stop until you get a solid green. (Really, blinking green means pedestrians only)
  • If you order fish grilled, they know you are from out of town. (Everything comes deep fried)
  • This sign still strikes fear in my heart. (An f'ing free for all)
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