What would wives/SO's enjoy?

You know, if you want to do an industry thing, it might be good for some of the spouses who have been there, done that to have a get together. They could provide some insight into what it's like to have a spouse who is on the road so much.
Can you have her elaborate on the industry "stuff"? i need to try and meld that down some so i can see if i can find someone that might be able to help.

She is interested in where my career is going. Wants to know if working for what airline is good for our family. Also things that are changing (800TT FO legislation for example) and where that will put us. QOL, how scheduling works for different companies, jumpseat stuff, etc. Basic stuff like, pay, benefits, jump seating, QOL etc.
From what I've seen the girls fall into two categories.

If they are active on JC they want hard drinking, stimulating conversation, and probably wouldn't be opposed to viewing some hot male bods.

If they can't take JC they probably want spas, facials, and discussions on how to make the perfect airline hat cozies for their husbands.
If they are active on JC they want hard drinking, stimulating conversation, and probably wouldn't be opposed to viewing some hot male bods.

My wife falls into this category, but you'd have to replace "male bods" with "female bods." Sadly, I don't think she'll be able to come with this year.
She'll fit right in, then.

Funny thing is, I doubt the regular guys could handle that. As much as they think it would be cool these internet dorks would lose their minds if they met her.

Some have. She was at NJC 2004. :) I think the plaid skirt and knee high boots she was wearing at 9FI would have done them in. 'Course now, she'd be sporting that look with purple hair, too.

I consider myself very, very lucky.
Some have. She was at NJC 2004. :) I think the plaid skirt and knee high boots she was wearing at 9FI would have done them in. 'Course now, she'd be sporting that look with purple hair, too.

I consider myself very, very lucky.
Excellent. I hope to witness the day the blowhards go limp before your unconventional beauty.
what about us who want stimulating conversation, drinking, oogling men (or women) and spas and facials? I like getting pampered!
that just means your normal Em cuz you fall right in the middle...I'm in the same category as you...relaxation is nice, so is having a really good time :D
Sarah would also prefer the female bods. Kell, maybe we can take our women to a strip club, then we can come back and vote in the poll Ian started.

I'd say she probably would be more interested in the adventure-type things... She LOVES hiking, and we plan on renting some sport bikes and going for a ride through the desert one of the days we're there. I'm getting my motorcycle endorsement this summer strictly for that reason. However, I think she'd also definitely dig a day at the spa. As long as it doesn't turn into a woman gossip-fest. ;)
Yeah, but Matt, your girl ain't normal. And just so I don't end up with my throat slit in the middle of the night, I mean that in a good way, Sarah!