What portions of 135 to study


I start training at Martinaire on the 11th of august (very excited), and figured I'd start getting familiar with Part 135. What portions s of 135 should I start pounding through?

Thanks much!
Did MB not give you the pre-hire study guide with everything in it?

Shoot me an email and I'll send it to you tomorrow morning.
Austin Collins' very easy guides. I'll try and send some to you via PM. I knew when I first saw them 5 years ago they would be worth keeping.
Director of training at Flight Express. To this day, the smartest man I've ever met in aviation.

Our POI was a moron, typical of POIs really. I haven't met one yet that isn't a complete ashat AND an idiot. Follow him and you can't go wrong in ANY facet of aviation
Our POI was a moron, typical of POIs really. I haven't met one yet that isn't a complete ashat AND an idiot.
Sounds like you've had some bad luck.

I've worked with several from the Rapid City and former Dallas (now North Texas) FSDOs who have been professional, knowledgeable, and easy to work with. Our current POI has bent over backward to push through anything we needed, which undoubtedly means he'll be assigned to a new carrier and we'll be back to square one with a new guy.
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I start training at Martinaire on the 11th of august (very excited), and figured I'd start getting familiar with Part 135. What portions s of 135 should I start pounding through?

Thanks much!

135 Alternate Airport requirements: "when do you need to file an alternate?" "When do you need to file a takeoff alternate?"
135 Duty/Rest requirements

Director of training at Flight Express. To this day, the smartest man I've ever met in aviation.

Our POI was a moron, typical of POIs really. I haven't met one yet that isn't a complete ashat AND an idiot. Follow him and you can't go wrong in ANY facet of aviation
Which FSDO? Hope it wasn't me!
MB or whomever is doing groundschool will go over everyhing you need to know. If you want a reference, I also suggest Everything Explained for the Professional Pilot.