I would never put words in Mr. Murphy's mouth, but I will put in my two cents on some of your questions.
1. the conditional job offer is that you have a job once you do three things, complete your CFII, do it within 60 days, and successfuly complete standz class
2. 60 days seems more than reasonable for CFII, it is one of the easiest ratings, and most get through it in less than 30 days. I struggled with a few things, and still got it in 35. If you are this far along and can't/don't want to spend the effort to get CFII done in 60 days, you probably don't want the job very badly.
3. I dont think DCA is under any obligation to find that second interview for you, but the contacts you make at school certainly help. Remeber though, that the first guaranteed interview is one more than any other school is offering right now.
4. The interview guarantee is in writing i think. Not positive about that and I am currently abroad (one of the nice things about standz wait is some time to travel) so I can't double check. Not sure which airlines are included besides Comair, but I think Chataqua is in the mix, along with SkyWest and some others.
I am not an apologist for DCA, and I can certainly find things that I didn't agree with or didn't like, but for the most part DCA has treated me fairly and as I have stated here a few times before, it isn't for everyone, but am very happy with my decision to attend.