I think about $5000 so far toward my PPL. I just did my last solo cross country about 2 weeks ago, now all I have to do to finish is a short flight a night to meet the night requirements. Do a couple of flights with my instructor to brush-up all my skills, take the written and go for my check ride. So basically a few more dollars. I pay $68/hr for a 152 and $40/hr for an instructor. I have some accumulated time from high school, but never got my license so basically had to do everything again. I have no idea how much I spent in high school.
For school, well lets see: I went to one school for 2 years than transferred to my current school which I have been at for 2 and a half. I have one more semester plus 2 classes left to graduate.
Which come too: 2 @ $22,000/yr + 2.5 @ $34,000/yr =
=$129,000 on school so far…and about $150,000 to finish my Bachelors.