Piece of Trash
Steve, I'm not saying that at all. The deal signed was not the first deal the company gave the MEC. Negotiations took place and a deal was reached. Do you really think this deal was just "given" to the MEC?
If they had "zero negotiating capital," then how did they get such a deal in the first place? No, I don't think it was just given to the MEC, but I DO think the MEC was very methodical in trying to figure out what to toss in to get the votes they needed for it to pass. They needed a bone for the junior guys to vote "yes," which turned out to be the furlough money. The senior guys wouldn't see that, so they had to toss out something for those guys to vote "yes." I think that was a combination of the SSP as well as the pay out on emergence from bankruptcy. Was the SSP a direct swap for the LOA mentioned earlier? Nope, but you and I both know that's not how contract negotiations work. I do feel that some portion of the LOA was "costed" along with the SSP and it was part of the larger contract.
Very easy solution then, if people feel they were lied to, then why don't they recall the reps and replace them?
See above.
Can't answer honestly since I'm not there anymore. It could be as simple as no one else wants to do the job.
Not at all. I feel the MEC was extremely behind the curve on a myriad of issues concerning legacy Pinnacle training issues. However, I wasn't there at the time and was told by you to 'get over it'.
No. I told Joe to get over the crew room bickering. At least, that's the post you pointed me to last time we went down this road. At the time I was trying to get people to move forward as a "new company" that had been merged. That was before I was, essentially, stabbed in the back and a LOT of pro-XJ issues started getting crammed down people's throats. Some of it made sense, some of it came across as "We're Mesaba. We're better than Pinnacle. We've got the power and so, this is what we're going to do."
I can't speak what happened, but to say I blindly agree with all the MEC's actions is just not true.
Seems odd to me that, what is pretty close to the same MEC during XJ's bankruptcy and was ready to close the doors rather than roll over, accepted a MUCH worse deal than their deal in bankruptcy with XJ. Same MEC chair (Wychor) and same CEO (Spanjers), but this time around in bankruptcy this was the "best they could do." During road shows it was pretty obvious the MEC went with the "We're not sure how this is going to work, just vote "yes" and we'll figure it out later." This was one of the major reasons we voted down TA1 at Pinnacle. The shaky language and "figuring it out later" BS.
If the SSP works out, fine. I'll say I was wrong and be happy for the guys that move on. However, based on the wording, timing and historical trend of such agreements, I think it was something tossed out there as a zero cost item for the company that will not really benefit near as many people as people think it will.