What can happen in less than two weeks?


Old Skool
About 15 days ago I had 2 students, had logged 3.5 hours of duel in the past month, had a boring accounting class, had the grind of a waiting tables just to barely pay the bills , got dumped by my girlfriend "for not being serious", and was comtemplating going and getting a degree I'll hate and a "real" job I'll hate.
So as of today I have a ground school class I teach of 15 and about 8-9 actual primary students. And I quit my job waiting tables this afternoon because........................................
I got a FULL TIME job flying twins!
they already gave me two credit cards for my expenses (hotels/food/car rental/etc.)
medical/401k / all the perks of a real job
Very reputable company (been in the area as long as Ive lived here ...16 years).
It seems like everyone on this site is getting jobs! I think it's awesome!

It's part 91 so they will have me fly with pilots until I have my times up to meet insurance......
The Kicker......I have 0 multi

Got the job because I knew somebody. It really is all about being patient and who you know!
That is absolutely awesome, Hootie. Best of luck to you, you give us all inspiration!

Thanks Guys!
Just keep your heads up!
Navajos and Chieftans
uhhhh yeah...about the times yeah .....uhhh 400
? 130 duel given...................
O multi .....what?
Hey man, congratulations. I'm sure it couldn't happen to a better guy. I don't care what anyone says, things are picking up all over the place (they have to be if they are in Iowa
). With any luck and no more stupid stunts by crazy people the last few years will be a distant memory.
Great to hear
What are their insurence requirments? It's somthing likt 2000tt on our Chieftan, so are you planning on riding right seat for a long time or do they have really low insurence requirments? Hope every thing works out well for you.

Good luck.

Umm .... If they need another pilot ... tell them to call me! (450tt, 400 multi, MEI)
(only half kidding)
Hey man, congratulations. I'm sure it couldn't happen to a better guy. I don't care what anyone says, things are picking up all over the place (they have to be if they are in Iowa
). With any luck and no more stupid stunts by crazy people the last few years will be a distant memory.

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Thanks! LOL! Thats right if it can happen in Iowa it must be picking up!

2000 tt for insurance! geez ours is half that. But since the company is part 91 I can fly left or right seat and pic.
Wow! So 0 multi, do you even have a MEL?

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I get paid while doing my multi... crazy huh?
Nice job man, congrats!

Things are definitely picking up. I recently took a decent step up the career ladder as well.
Congrats man, I know how you feel! It's awesome isn't it?!
Good luck and don't get impatient, it's easy to do. Oh, and just a tid-bit,,,,,,I hate to admit that CKid is right (
JK), but 2000TT insurance req. for a chieftain/navajo is pretty much standard. Some companies have even higher requirements, and most require a significant amount of multi-time as well. That's why I said, try not to get impatient. Single pilot time will come and it's great!!
Take care.
Two weeks is a long time in this business. Two weeks ago, I was wallowing in CFI misery. I'd been flight instructing for 3 years, trying to move on to an airline, and had absolutely no bites whatsoever. Today, I've interviewed twice, have another one next week. I know I'm hired at American Eagle, waiting to hear from Skywest, and Skyway we'll see how that goes. Things are looking up! Just goes to show you can never loose hope! Congrats your your good luck man, I hope it works out for you!
rock on. dude. congrats. A job flying multi with no multi time. Got to love it. Keep us updated.

Umm .... If they need another pilot ... tell them to call me! (450tt, 400 multi, MEI)
(only half kidding)

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I've got 69.3 TT and almost a PPL. Would they pay me to get my commercial?
Yeah, that is outstanding. I need to know more people.

Keep up posted on how everything goes. I know I always enjoy hearing detailed posts on people's new jobs & interviews.

Wow.. congrat's to all who are starting to get picked up and interviewing !!

Give's the rest of us a big smile !!