Well, that sucks (American Airlines)

Actually, I think the industry is making much needed corrections. It became a joke when Part 121 pilots were hired with 300 hours and replaced 12,000 hour pilots.
The real joke was when the 12,000 hour pilots sold out their scope and in effect shot themselves in the foot by creating replacement jet positions.
The real joke was when the 12,000 hour pilots sold out their scope and in effect shot themselves in the foot by creating replacement jet positions.

Hey, did anyone else think it was funny we're talking about 12,000 hour pilots and jtrain has 12,000 posts? Hopefully jtrain doesn't sell himself out for a scope clause at JC that later screws my chances for a job at a legacy.

Just trying for a light hearted post. Point flame somewhere else.
The real joke was when the 12,000 hour pilots sold out their scope and in effect shot themselves in the foot by creating replacement jet positions.

I am not understand! You are angry but for what? Perhaps you need a good drink! Is very worse in many other country!