Weight Change Calculation


New Member
I am toying with the idea of getting my AGI/IGI, right now I am not flying due to a medical issue. I am struggling trying to figure out the Weight Change Calculation type of problems. I am not even close to being a "math guy" and would appreciate any tricks/tips to figure this out.

My wife is trying to teach me calculus but my solution is just to skip the questions, only three in the Gleim so how many could possibly be on the test?

Don't get me wrong, I understand the importance of the problem but just can't wrap my brain around it.
My wife is trying to teach me calculus but my solution is just to skip the questions, only three in the Gleim so how many could possibly be on the test?

Calculus? You don't need calculus to work these problems. Some of them do require algebra, but many are just arithmetic.

You need to be a bit more specific about where your conceptual difficulties are. Providing complete W&B instructions is difficult over the internet.;)
If youre using Gleim take time studing the soultion and figure out where they get all their numbers from. I found it helpful to work backwards and work with the answer and find out where the variables fall into place. Grab a local CFI to help you out. Dont skip the question or just memorize the answers. You'll thank yourself later if you go for the ATP or fly more complex metal! keep hacking at it and dont give up! :nana2:
Mav, that is exactly what I am doing...work it backwards. Starting to click but they make it tough to see where it all comes from.

If anyone cares it is the 2007 Gleim Flight Ground Instructor and the problems are the ones that deal with adding maximum weight to a station without exceeding CG:

M1 +/- ^M
W1 +/- ^W the ^ is a triangle representing change.

Thanks for the replies!
The formulas are also in the FAA's Weight and Balance Handbook (FAA-H-8083-1). You can find a copy somewhere on the FAA's website.

I found that out after I'd taken the written tests.