Wedding Cancelled :(

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Well-Known Member
Well, after all this planning, the short, short story is that it's off.

I couldn't be more angry and upset, so I'm not going to post the details yet; but, I will later today or tomorrow.

I'm really :mad:
Well, that was no fun. You're supposed to say, "Oh no. OMG! I'm so sorry," taking the bait and hook.

Eh, it was worth a shot.


And yes, I am still getting married on the 11th.
Well, that was no fun. You're supposed to say, "Oh no. OMG! I'm so sorry," taking the bait and hook.

Eh, it was worth a shot.


And yes, I am still getting married on the 11th.

subtlety - 4 results
[suht-l-tee] Show IPA –noun, plural -ties.
1. the state or quality of being subtle.
2. delicacy or nicety of character or meaning.
3. acuteness or penetration of mind; delicacy of discrimination.
4. a fine-drawn distinction; refinement of reasoning: the subtleties of logic.
5. something subtle.
6. History/Historical. an elaborate confection, ornate in construction and ornamentation, sometimes edible but more often made and used as a decoration for a table or buffet.
April 1 is the one day a year that nothing funny is posted on the internet. Anywhere.
Who lies about that?? This was a tasteless joke in my book...

Lighten up dude....It's April 1st.

shoot I got engaged on April 1st, I keep waiting to pull the big April fools joke on my wife....

oops, there goes another joke... ;)
Lighten up dude....It's April 1st.

shoot I got engaged on April 1st, I keep waiting to pull the big April fools joke on my wife....

oops, there goes another joke... ;)


Got to agree, it's all in good fun.
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