I was attrited from flight school in the Marine Corps in 90. Finished primary with 3.0 grades and needed 3.008 to stay in the program. I was given the option to stay in or get out. I put in my request of 3 choices of another MOS...Got my first choice, was waiting orders for school......A month later, they told me that was not an option, and offered me either an Adjutant MOS or Air Support Control Officer MOS......After being in limbo for about 8 mos, I declined and decided to get out....In hindsight, wish I would have done the tour....now some 10 plus yrs later....deciding to get back into aviation...can't get rid of that aviation. Still, I am glad for the opportunity to serve in the best military branch in the world, and wouldn't have traded the experience for anything. Semper Fi