VNY to SNA???


Well-Known Member
Its my first time flying through the LA special flight rules area and I am looking for some pointers. I will using the coliseum route and I am curious how to request this.

Do I let ground know of my intentions prior to taxi? Do I advise tower prior to takeoff? Do I take off and then advise So Cal APP of my intentions? Please help!!!!!!!!!!
Its my first time flying through the LA special flight rules area and I am looking for some pointers. I will using the coliseum route and I am curious how to request this.

Do I let ground know of my intentions prior to taxi? Do I advise tower prior to takeoff? Do I take off and then advise So Cal APP of my intentions? Please help!!!!!!!!!!

You do know that the coliseum route requires you to climb to 9500 in that direction. I'd sugest either Special Flight Rules (no clearence required), Shore line or Mini Route. Coliseum route is unnecessarily high for that short of a flight. And yes, if your planning on useing one of the routes that requires a clearance, definatly let ground know before you leave. They will coridnate with so-cal for you.

Take another look at the TAC, and pay attention to the altitudes listed for each route.
Out of curiosity, since VNY had a CD frequency would you call them up instead of ground for the clearance?

As MS suggested I'd probably just use the Special Flight Rules area. It's very easy to transit and you don't need a clearance.
If you aren't afraid of a little airspace, you can just follow the the 405 freeway all the way down to SNA. I do it on a daily basis: when departing VNY request a straight out. When over the sepulveda pass give SMO a call and pick up a southbound mini route clearance. When out of LA, get a south 405 transition with HHR (they're so lazy over there, they generally give you a frequency change when you're still a mile from the airport). Once out if HHR, get the same transition request with LGB and Los Alamitos and then your next frequency is gonna be SNA. Easy as cheese and you follow the same freeway allll the way down :)
Take the mini route - lowest altitude and great views of LAX as you cross it midfield.

If you have a GPS it's real easy. Take off 16R/L straight out - as you cross over the Sepulvada Pass climb to 2500' and contact SMO tower 120.1 and request the mini route. SMO tower will coordinate the transition with LAX. Cross over the SMO VOR at 2500' and track the 128 radial or if you have GPS just create a flight plan between the SMO VOR and the Hawthorne & 405 Interchange (plug the waypoint VPLSR into the flightplan).

SMO will hand you off to LAX tower and they will clear you through the Bravo after you get through the Bravo you will be handed off to Hawthorne tower. Request flight following with them down to SNA and go direct the Huntington Beach Pier and you're there!

Sounds a bit convaluted, but it really is pretty easy - just make sure you're organized with frequencies, etc. before departure. Have fun!
go IFR. They'll take you over POM for a straight-in to 19

Its my first time flying through the LA special flight rules area and I am looking for some pointers. I will using the coliseum route and I am curious how to request this.

Do I let ground know of my intentions prior to taxi? Do I advise tower prior to takeoff? Do I take off and then advise So Cal APP of my intentions? Please help!!!!!!!!!!
I think its all explained pretty clearly on the TCA chart... also, if youre not familiar with local landmarks, I wouldnt do this flight without a moving map GPS.

and why the heck would you go IFR? youre right that you would end up over POM, but thats WAY out of the way for a light aircraft.
If you use Special Flt. Rules from VNY watch the Charlie from Burbank when climbing to 3500' over the Sepulveda pass, I had a student get popped right there back in the instructing days.