Updates to forum software


Apparently a "terse" writer
Staff member
Overnight I upgraded the forum software so there are a few changes to the interface.

Some are good, some aren't so good but keep in mind that software engineers normally leave out the "human aspect" in software design. The things that you're used to are still there, but may be in different parts of the interface.

But some positives aspects of the new upgrades:


From Infopop.com:
1. Added a new calendar system that can be used for showing public/private events and birthdays. Along with the calendar we have added finishing touches such as birthday icons next to user's names on their birthday.

2. Added in an option when viewing a user's profile to ignore this user. Posts from ignored users will still be shown to preserve the flow of a conversation, however the body of ignored user's posts will be set to "You are ignoring this user."

3. Added a new option to allow users to select from a predefined set of avatars for their picture, similar to the way this is done in UBB.classic and UBB.x.

4. Added an option when creating/editing a forum to select an image to be displayed next to the forum on the main page.

5. Moved all thread management tools out of the edit post screen and down to the bottom of showflat/showthreaded to tidy the page and make the controls more centrally located. (more for the moderators than anyone else)

6. More work on efficiency. Added a configurable caching system to cache some things that don't change that often. This caching system will be expanded in subsequent versions to further increase efficiency.

7. Polls are entirely rewritten. Polls now can have multiple questions, a start and end time, and other options. Unlike the public beta, in this final release polls are upgraded properly.

8. Reworked and expanded the search engine, adding many new options including keyword and advance search queries.

9. "Mark all read" and "my Cookies" is now in "My Home".

10. Added a new table cell on the postlist page to display the hot topic icons, sticky posts, posts with polls, closed topics, or posts with attachments.

11. Added a new icon on the postlist screen in the new table cell that helps designate topics that are attached to a calendar event.

[/ QUOTE ]

So I'm still working some bugs out of the system to integrate it into a seamless experience for you guys! But keep in mind, I'm a self-taught PHP hacker so all of the changes and modifcations are slow goin'!
Hey Doug,

Is there an option somewhere that will highlight which threads I've contributed to? I hate coming back from a 4-day, "now where did I post that stupid comment?"
You can always click the finger icon below and mark it as a 'favorite' thread, but that's about it as far as I know.
SOMEBODY DIAL 911!! Late last night I went to log on to the forums via one click shortcut and there wasn't any forums!! Chill dude, Doug is probably re-doing it. Sure enough. Thanks for your time and effort. What, noe spele chekr? That's why God made dictionary's and the 3rd grade I guess.
Here's something that builds right into Internet Explorer for spell check.


The authors of ubbthreads had a discussion in which they said an integrated spell check in ubbthreads takes up a lot of server processing time on high volume boards, so they axed development of it.

I dunno.
Doug, thanks for the updated software. I like the new look. And get some sleep, buddy, if you were up until 4:00 AM!
Anybody know if Doug was seen at a gay rights rally on December 14th?

(Aw come on, you can figure it out!)
Anybody know if Doug was seen at a gay rights rally on December 14th?

[/ QUOTE ]

Anybody know if Doug was seen at a gay rights rally on December 14th?

(Aw come on, you can figure it out!)

[/ QUOTE ]

Doug, this is in the "Updates to forum software" thread, right?
That's a hint.

Doug, this is in the "Updates to forum software" thread, right?
That's a hint.

[/ QUOTE ]

I, uhh, still don't get it.
maybe he's saying that the updates are "gay"??? i dunno.. i hate assuming what people are trying to say - especially over the net... comeon SteveC don't make us "assume" the words out of your mouth! hahaha

Go to the new calendar.
Notice that December 14th is bold.
Click on 14.
See note that says:
qwerqwer (by Doug Taylor)


I know, I know. Too obtuse.
Oh, I was testing the calendar function and didn't erase it.

'qwerty' are the first five letters on that keyboard!

I guess next time I'll type "now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country".
Oh, I was testing the calendar function and didn't erase it.

'qwerty' are the first five letters on that keyboard!

I guess next time I'll type "now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country".

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, I knew what it was. I just thought "qwerqwer" sounded funny when said out loud.

Then again, it was late (read: a couple beers later) when I posted that.
qwerqwer (by Doug Taylor)

[/ QUOTE ] LMAO.... now i see where you got "gay rights" from...... it does sound like that huh! hahahhahaa DOH!