

Vintage Restoration
Hey, is it true that you have some kind of deal with United where you best four grads get hired on as FOs? Can you explain about that?
Originally posted by FlyChicaga:
Hey, is it true that you have some kind of deal with United where you best four grads get hired on as FOs? Can you explain about that?
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I really couldn't tell you, however I will ask around for the answer to your question!
As an alumni of Purdue I can tell you with 100% certainity that is false information!! No such program exists. What you may have heard about is the internship program. I never did it but from what I understand United (at least used to when they were hiring) would guarantee their ex-interns an interview at the time of their(the interns) choosing. Basically if you interned at UAL you were allowed to pick when you wanted to interview. Alot of guys screwed up and as soon as they graduated with a whopping 350 hours marched into UAL and said 'I want my interview now' and of course didn't do so good. I have a friend from my class that was an intern - graduated - flew for ASA for a few years then went in and cashed in on his interview promise and was hired!

Ok here's the deal from a current Purdue flight student and a former United intern (the last one from Purdue),United has discontinued their internship program indefinitely. There is no guaranteed interviews from them! Repeat no guaranteed interview, what you get is a "preferential interview." Which means when United starts hiring again, I compete against other interns for the interview. United has 4 different categories that they put applicants into, the general category, minority category, employee category, and intern category. Everytime they run interviews they select a few from each category. Percentage wise 80% of interns are hired, it has nothing to do with what school you went to whatsoever. Back in the day United's mins were only 350 hours, so that is why alot of interns were hired right of school, which is where you probably got your info from. It still is the best in my opinion of aviation related internships that you can receive. Not only is it highly lucrative, but looks great on a resume. I've always dreamed of being a pilot for United and it helped me get my foot in the door, so I just weather the storm so to speak. If anyone has any further questions realted to this or Purdue, feel free to email me.