Okay, I went through my old piles of papers from Eagle new-hire class, and, MikeD, I gotta say "thanks" for the laughs! That was the best walk down memory lane I've had in a long time! Reading some of those image regulations just cracked me up! I laughed for half an hour straight.......
My favorite was the sub-section titled "Superfluous Hair Removal". I'm not joking, you should see some of the subjects covered in our 'image' classes!
But to your question about height/weight:
These numbers are off the height/weight chart given to us as new-hires in 1995. We were measured & weighed at our interveiw, and again in ground school, but not at base after graduation when we were actually working. I don't know of any Eagle flight attendants fired/disciplined while I was working there for violating height/weight charts.
A 30 year old 5'7" female at Eagle max weight was allowed to be 153 lbs. A 30 year old 5'7" male max weight was allowed to be 169.
This was American Eagle's Flight Attendant Weight Regulations Policy:
"Flight Attendant weight will be proportional to his/her height.
The Flight Attendant will maintain his/her weight in accordance with the standards listed on the following charts.
If the Flight Attendant's height falls between the increments listed, the maximum weight will be that indicated for the next taller height.
Flight Attendants shall be weighed with their shoes off and shall be allowed three pounds for clothing.
Flight Attendants weighed while experiencing pre-menstrual hydration shall be reweighed after completion of their menstrual cycle or shall be allowed five pounds for pre-mentsrual hydration.
Note: Minimum 100 pounds required."