

New Member
Can someone explain to me how a turboprop engine works? All I can do is replicate what they sound like when they are starting!
Can someone explain to me how a turboprop engine works? All I can do is replicate what they sound like when they are starting!

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How about providing us with a WAV sample of your imitation? :-)

A turboprop engine is most akin to a jet engine, but instead of having a fan at the front (encased in the engine cowling and known as the first compressor stage or N1), it has a prop.

With the advent of high-bypass jet engines, the distinction is even smaller now than it was with the pure jets because most of the air (and most of the thrust) entering the first compressor stage bypasses the combustion section and gets blown straight back out the rear end of the jet as cold, accelerated air. This is essentially the same principle that a turboprop uses. A small amout of air goes into the engine to be used to power the engine but most of the thrust is generated by the props.

Let me know if you would like a discourse on the operation of a jet engine. I would be happy to oblige :-)


SUCK = Air is sucked into the engine

SQUEEZE = Air is compressed by the compressor section

BANG = Fuel is introduced into the highly compressed air and the mixture is ignigted

SPREAD = The rapidly expanding gases is diffused over a set of N2 vanes (connected to the drive shaft ) that causes the rotation that is translated through the drive shaft to the propeller.