N519AT. I have been flying the C-12 and its a great plane. We do operate ours at the higher than 12,500 so we're able to take fuel and cargo/pax. I do enjoy the "dropping rock" as it allows for the tactical approach without having to bother ATC for lower altitudes (plus it makes for more fun approaches) We also have the high float tires so landings are easier! I've not flown the KA350 but would love to. It seems like a great plane! I REALLY want to fly the KA300 (200 w/ 350 engines). I've been told its a rocket ship!!
I did the Dash8 type in July but haven't flown the plane yet. I will be flying the -300 for the most part but there is the potential to fly the -100 or -200. I think the -300 will be better with the larger engines and dual AC packs. I will admit though that at least for the first dozen flights or so I will be paranoid about touching the tail during the flare. Six degrees doesn't allow for much of a flare.
XcalibeR said:The only TP's I've flown are a Caravan and the Bro.
Caravan = big 172. Easy to fly, easy to land, and about as complicated as any light trainer out there. It's an unglamorous workhorse. It can take almost it's own weight in payload, but is slooooooooooow.
Bro = Who designed this plane? Seriously? Whoever it was needs to be dragged into the street and flogged medieval style. It's fast enough for a TP, can carry a decent amount of weight, climbs ok, and generally works well (not great, but well). But seriously, who designs a propeller system whos default is catastrophic overspeed? Has Embraer never heard of counter-weights?
Isn't this Part 121?Single engine airplanes are prohibited under 121. Period.
Isn't this Part 121?
She's big enough to be respectable on the ramp and small enough that hand flying is still enjoyable.
I have no other time except piston singles and about 20 hours in a Seminole.Size really doesn't matter (damn, where have I heard that before?)
The Challenger is a 45,000 lb airplane and is an absolute pleasure to hand fly.
The Challenger is a 45,000 lb airplane and is an absolute pleasure to hand fly.
I failed to mention the Lancair Evolution which is by far the most fun I've had in a turboprop.
The Saab is a great plane, very easy to fly too. Solid airplane
The Saab is a great bird. Super easy to either hand fly or sit back and manage the autopilot.
I love the feel of the airplane. Solid, yet responsive.
Beechcraft are designed by geniuses to be flown by idiots.
Swearingen/Fairchild are designed by idiots to be flown by geniuses.
I finally just figured out what your avatar is.The Saab is underpowered and over engineered. Is it stable? Yes, anything that lumbering is. The best thing that could ever happen to a Saab is if a 1900 towed it.
1900 is faster, simpler, trims out better, more power/weight, outclimbs, flies better with ice, and unlike the "saab story" it can actually carry 100% of the people and 100% of the bags even with an alternate.
1900, twice the pilot, half the pay (at least at Colgan).