TSA Update?

More news from Mr. Kanodia's Wonder Imporium:

Dulles opening as a crew base October 1. So much for Richmond...:(

So wait... TSA furloughs 103 pilots in two months, scheduled to lose 7 planes now, 10 planes starting in december and 35 departures resulting in another estimated 100 furloughs, and they are opening a base in Dulles!:banghead:

I missed this memo...(maybe because I'm furloughed)
I would look for AMR to give you guys TSA or Gojet some flying when they enter BK later this year or some time next year. I think CHQ will get a lot but you guys will get some too. :mad:

You really think that? Our 140's lose money every flight. I think they'll be the first to go if AMR goes BK. I hope not, but its possible.
I think our relationship with American is coming to an end in 2009. It was nice while it lasted.
There's nothing to be done. If AA drops their restriction, Gojet and TSA will be merged. I doubt anybody will want to go through that nightmare but it has to be done. GJ is only there to fly 50+ seats, when TSA is able to do that as well why have two certificates? Plus we're talking about small companies here, not AA and United.

APA is not going to cave on scope, period. Just over a year until strike time.
Didn't APA make the statement that all American Airline flights will be flown by American Airline employees or something to that effect?

No, they said all AMR flights will be flown by APA pilots.
FYI: AE is not APA.:banghead:
Looks like finally some good news from the waterski front...

Canceling 10 furloughs and canceling 7 downgrades, not much but it's a start...I guess scheduling was imploding because we're down to zero reserves right now, imagine the case come August with 50 more people gone...hopefully more good news to come!
I guess scheduling was imploding because we're down to zero reserves right now, imagine the case come August with 50 more people gone...hopefully more good news to come!

Scheduling imploding??? Hard to believe.:sarcasm:

Funny little story. On June 30th, the date of my furlough, I got off a 3-day sometime in the afternoon, called scheduling and got released for the day/month/year/forever? I went to the flight manager's office to turn in all my crap, walked out of the airport with no company id and no brass, my flight case weighing about 30 pounds less than usual. I catch the employee shuttle back to the employee lot, walk to my crashpad, get in my car and start driving home from STL to Kansas City. 3 hours later scheduling calls and asks if I'm anywhere near the C-gates because they need me to fly something. I was like, "first of all you released me for the day, second of all I'm already on my 15th hour for the day, plus I turned in all my books and ID to the flight managers a few hours ago and am in my car about 30 minutes from KC." Scheduler seemed a bit confused, said nevermind and called the next guy on the list.:banghead:
Looks like finally some good news from the waterski front...

Canceling 10 furloughs and canceling 7 downgrades, not much but it's a start...I guess scheduling was imploding because we're down to zero reserves right now, imagine the case come August with 50 more people gone...hopefully more good news to come!

Just out of curiosity, what is your source? I can't seem to find this info through any of the usual channels.
Scheduling imploding??? Hard to believe.:sarcasm:

Funny little story. On June 30th, the date of my furlough, I got off a 3-day sometime in the afternoon, called scheduling and got released for the day/month/year/forever? I went to the flight manager's office to turn in all my crap, walked out of the airport with no company id and no brass, my flight case weighing about 30 pounds less than usual. I catch the employee shuttle back to the employee lot, walk to my crashpad, get in my car and start driving home from STL to Kansas City. 3 hours later scheduling calls and asks if I'm anywhere near the C-gates because they need me to fly something. I was like, "first of all you released me for the day, second of all I'm already on my 15th hour for the day, plus I turned in all my books and ID to the flight managers a few hours ago and am in my car about 30 minutes from KC." Scheduler seemed a bit confused, said nevermind and called the next guy on the list.:banghead:

Wow man, sorry to hear that. Talk about rubbing salt in a wound.
Just out of curiosity, what is your source? I can't seem to find this info through any of the usual channels.

Guy I was flying with told me. His buddy got called by the FM, not sure which one. It's on the lounge, too. I guess the latest is that they're cutting somewhere else in the company, not pilots, FAs or rampies...
do you guys the latest on how many airplanes will be leaving and for how long?

Five are leaving this year going south of the border to get some sun in Mexico. I think one or two have already gone. Mostly our old Crossair and Swiss planes. 10 more leaving starting in Jan at two per month, those are the Eagle birds. With the Mexi-birds...I'm not sure if they subleased 'em or what so who knows if they're ever coming back.
Guy I was flying with told me. His buddy got called by the FM, not sure which one. It's on the lounge, too. I guess the latest is that they're cutting somewhere else in the company, not pilots, FAs or rampies...

I started a two day today and as I check my mailbox, there was a memo in there from the chief pilot.
I'm confused too, man. They ARE still furloughing, but a reduced number than previously said. Come January, they'll be loads more unless something else happens...