Trans States Regional Airline Pilots In Action


New Member
I was browsing the net again and ran across some very awesome video clips of Pilots for Trans States Airlines. The page has 4 music videos available all being played while Pilots are Flying. Any Van Halen Fans? "Right Here, Right Now." is the first video. Check it out

Fly Safe

Wow, nice video...well done. I'd like to sometime in the near future figure out how to use Adobe Premier - I have it but haven't played around with it long enough. Then I can make nice family videos and burn to DVD.
Hey, thanks for the video link, they were cool. Of course, anythings with wings is cool
. The page has 4 music videos available all being played while Pilots are Flying.

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And doing what? Straight and level? Or more exciting stuff like 30 degree bank turns or shooting approaches?
The Music Videos are pretty cool, check it out but if not then your loss pal. Do you like Van Halen? The 1st music video has the song "Right Here, Right Now." The videos are not just all flying, shows aircraft taxing and taking off, plenty of ATC transmissions and stuff like that. Also shows clips of Flight Attendants/mechanics and other Airline crews involved.