To Be A Good School Or Not To Be?


This is a TAB Express forum, but since you brought up the ATA issue, here is my reply. You can read more reply info in the “Get your money back from ATA” forum.

We (management office staff) knew absolutely nothing about the school closing until that Friday morning. There was an announcement made the night before around 5:30 or 6:00 of the closing, but most of the office staff had left for the day. Those who where there, Thursday night, had time to clean out and hit the road. When I first had sight of the ATA building, Friday morning, because of the police cars and milling students outside the gate, I thought we had a fire or bomb threat. To this day, I and the other Training Coordinator had no knowledge of the pending closing. I guess you can believe what you want, but we had no inside information. Monday of the same week, we had hired, and started training, a new Training Coordinator. He would not have started if the William’s family had intent of closing the place down on Friday. Something in the finance department, a possible bail out loan, fell through, and the funding just was not there to continue the operations. More than anything, Discover Air is more to blame for ATA closing, than not enough new students enrolling per month. Discover Air sucked ATA dry and was just a foolish ego trip “We own an airline” the owners had. I found out later that our medical insurance was not paid in January and the policy was canceled. We lost two weeks salary and had no insurance. You, on the other side, lost big money and a possible career in the airlines as a pilot. I talked with the attorney’s about our role, and evidently they were satisfied. You need to not blame the Coordinator’s. We only did out job.

Believe me when I say there was no hidden agenda for us to bring in new students, knowing that ATA was about to close.

You know my name, what is your name?
Ok, ERJ, I can appreciate your lack of knowlege about the impending closure. HOWEVER, why were the recruiters still telling the potential students that people were being/about to be hired. I was there for about 9 months of a 10-12 month program and completed my Private and instrument. And I talked to a few people of the new January and February classes and they told me about the stories of people being hired. I remember 1 group interviewing and a couple of people that were to be hired but sat and waited, for how long I dont know...
Checkout there site now..They are offering to refund you your training cost if you will give them a 3 yr commitment to fly for their airline.
Holy Cow!!!

There has to be some sorta catch to it. Otherwise you are talking about a regional hiring you and essentially teaching you to fly. Don't know what to say.
Three years is an INCREDIBLY long time in this industry to sit in a BE1900.

I wonder if that airline will last three years? Not many startups do.
That was my thinking also..3 yrs in a Beech 1900 whether a Capt or FO is a long time.

John I also wondered what would happen if their airline shutdown. I would try to have some clause put in to protect myself.
Yeah you may want to read the fine print on that one Tim

I'm waiting to see these 1900s flying overhead. So far I see Gulfstream and Air Midwest every day, but no other colors.
Hopefully they wont turn into another Discover Air fiasco. I would hope that all flight schools who want to have their own airline learned a lesson. Nothing wrong with wanting one just dont take from peter to pay paul.
Ahem, well Tim - Maybe you don't know. The guy that started Discover Air is the guy starting this airline.

Nudge nudge wink wink say no more ....
Well I know there a quite a few folks that were around Discover Air that are at Tab also. Does make you wonder why they think they can make it work flying around Florida out of DAB. Maybe they have a secret no one else has thought of yet..
The "secret" is they let you parade around in make-believe pilot shirt and captain's epaulets without holding an ATP Certificate. You get to down a pilot cover too! Makes you feel good and you can impress the women.
You can turn that pilot hat upside down outside the mall, throw a couple of quarters in it, and sit next to it with a forlorn look on your face. Might even make more money, too.
i know that if the students get caught outside the building without there hat on they can get charged $10. can anyone say pathetic?