This guy is so cool

Sorry Bog, I didn't mean to jump on you. Guess I hadn't had my coffee yet.

Personally, I'd rather not fly into some of those places in this airplane either. I just go where they send me, and do what I can to fit in.
Actually, some of the friendliest planes in a high density approach environment are the beech 1900s. You can give ATC what they need up to the marker and have no problem at all slowing to ref in a timely fashion. No such thing as being too high and too fast in a Beech 1900.
I have a job to do just like the rest of you. That job often takes me into some of the busiest airspace in the country. I do whatever I can to fit in without holding anybody up and I think I'm pretty good at it. Approaches are rarely a problem- I can go from 160 to ref almost on a dime- though my a/c is a bit limited when it comes to climb speed/performance. If some of you holier than thou airline sissies don't like it, kiss my pasty white ass. I can just as easily do 100 instead of my usual 160 on the approach if you'd like. After all, I'm paid by the hour.

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Thinking back to flying into PHX Sky Harbor in my Cessna 207 or 208, rarely would I ever be on a straight-in to the runway (we would in the PA-31s and the Metros). Normally, TRACON would hand me off to tower, I'd be brought in over the numbers perpendicular to the landing runway, then be given a clearance to land when north/south of the respective runway (side of the airport), and it was a chop and drop descending 270 to the runway, squeezed in between jet arrivals, and absolutely no factor at all. Tower didn't mind, since they knew the "Delivery" and "Arizona" callsigns could not only do the maneuver, but turn off at the second or nearly any high-speed or reverse high-speed that tower needed us to.

So in this sense, I think it worked pretty well integrating GA with the faster traffic at PHX. Was never a problem.
Alllright, we got lots of people saying that you shouldn't fly into busy airports in a small plane, but then some of the same people sayin "you shouldn't be flying for a regional until you have a lot of experience with busy airspace and airports"

so where exactlly do we get this experience?
Hopefully when you go into some of these busier airports your somewhere inbetween Private/Instrument Pilot. I dont think that taking a C150 into LGA when you have 30 hours is going to do you or anything. In my opinon a C150 or airplane like that has no business going into LGA, ORD, DFW as a lesiure flight.
Hopefully when you go into some of these busier airports your somewhere inbetween Private/Instrument Pilot.

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maybe that's what this guy was doin. I've gone into and out of MSP during rushour and I do think it was one of the best experiences that I've had while flying an airplane. Learned soooo much out of it. The best way is definately to go in IFR, but obviously use common sense and keep the speed up. And definately go with somebody who's done it before. I was just pointing out that so many people fail to see both sides of the coin and are going to complain no matter what happens. "damn new pilots suck at using the radio in B Airspace" and then turn around and say "those idiots shouldn't be in here".
If GA is to remain from the larger airports, can we get the regionals to stay away from the smaller airports.

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Amen brother!!
If GA is to remain from the larger airports, can we get the regionals to stay away from the smaller airports.

[/ QUOTE ]


Amen brother!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks! What part of MI are you in?
Bog said:

My dad sits in the fast lane of the freeway and does 2 over the speed limit. He argues that he has a right to be there. Well, he does. But, what he doesn't realize is that he is creating a negative effect on freeway traffic that extends beyond himself and wreaks havoc for just about everyone behind him for miles.

Your dad does have a right to be on the interstate, however, he doesn't have the right to stay in the left lane. The left lane is for passing, and this is probably the most often violated rule in driving.
I fly into KSLC all the time. I know I know KSLC is not as busy but wAIT FOOLS. My plane has the O235 that means my bird is highly tuned to 125 h.p. instead of the standard. What does this all mean, I keep up in the pattern. Ha Ha
Bog..sorry to bring up an old post...but spotting at ATL the other night..what rolls down the takeoff que for rwy 9L??? you guessed it a cirrus..maybe it was the same guy!?! my buddies and i couldnt get over how much he probably spent on landing fees etc..but it was cool to see..hopefully he didnt F up traffic too bad.
i flew into ATL 2 years ago in a 172 at about 3 am...landing fee was 12 bucks..
When I was doing my private we went into CVG at about 12:30AM.....It was alot of fun and there really wasn't that much traffic and we asked ATC if it was ok and they said sure. It was alot of fun but ya, I wouldn't go there when there are 40 airplanes trying to get in.
Bog said:
I always thought it'd be cool to take a 172 into LAX.

Like this - this is us parked at Garret - if you look to the right you can see the tower, and half of the spyder. We flew in during the 5 o'clock rush this time. This was VFR, and all the time I flew in there I never had to circle over Compton more then 3 times, and once I got straight in.


And here is the first time - I was 16 at the time (under instruction).

Doug Taylor said:
Interesting how he's taxiing on the wrong line!

Big airport controller do not know about jetblast - at LAX I got instructed to taxi into the stuff frequently! And when you would come out with unable due to jet blast, they suddenly remembered.
Why would you need to fly into a busy airport like that if you have so many other options within 15 square miles of you? I'm sure you know more than other GA guys how hard it is for controllers to sequence these planes after each other.

Cause it is cheaper to pay the $15 ramp fee, and use the courtesey van, then pay for a taxi from Hawthorne or anywhere else.

Never seemed to have much problem with the controllers even inthe busiest time. You just follow instructions prompty, and use common sense you are fine there. I did have one time a plane had problems seeing the skyhawk, and asked the controller if they were serious!
I agree. The airspace is for everyone, if they know how to use it. It goes back to the slow driver in the fast lane. YOu can drive slow in the fast lane all you want legally, but it's not courteous. You are slowing down aircraft that burn more fuel a minute, than you do an hour. Example, I flew with one of my instr. students to Palomar one day. I was cleared for the appr, but had a citation right behind me. I was holding 110 in a cherokee on my own behalf, trying to give the guy room. Legally, it was my approach and my airport. I got there before him! But as a courtesy, since it was vfr, I cancelled IFR, and turned out to let him in. The guy would have burned more fuel going missed, than I did in my last 2 hrs of flight.

On the other hand, I take students into LAX,ONT,BUR,and SNA on almost a daily basis. To say that some regional or airline pilot "lets me by" is a joke. I filed same as you. I wait for a release same as you. I fly as fast as I can on an approach to help you out. You WILL wait behind me for release! The last I checked, the FAR/AIM doesn't care if you are a 74 or 152.

What's my point? Everyone has a right in the busiest airspace if .................... you show enough knowledge and courtesy to know that the other a/c around you are faster, cost more to operate, and can't always slow like you can..........blah, my 2 cents worth :-)
dingo222 said:
I agree. The airspace is for everyone, if they know how to use it. It goes back to the slow driver in the fast lane. YOu can drive slow in the fast lane all you want legally, but it's not courteous. You are slowing down aircraft that burn more fuel a minute, than you do an hour. Example, I flew with one of my instr. students to Palomar one day. I was cleared for the appr, but had a citation right behind me. I was holding 110 in a cherokee on my own behalf, trying to give the guy room. Legally, it was my approach and my airport. I got there before him! But as a courtesy, since it was vfr, I cancelled IFR, and turned out to let him in. The guy would have burned more fuel going missed, than I did in my last 2 hrs of flight.

On the other hand, I take students into LAX,ONT,BUR,and SNA on almost a daily basis. To say that some regional or airline pilot "lets me by" is a joke. I filed same as you. I wait for a release same as you. I fly as fast as I can on an approach to help you out. You WILL wait behind me for release! The last I checked, the FAR/AIM doesn't care if you are a 74 or 152.

What's my point? Everyone has a right in the busiest airspace if .................... you show enough knowledge and courtesy to know that the other a/c around you are faster, cost more to operate, and can't always slow like you can..........blah, my 2 cents worth :-)

The whole reason why i enjoy having pretty much a devoted "GA" runway at CNO. Once in a while, doing my pre-flight, i get to watch some G-III's and G-IV takeoff, along with some falcons, CJ's, and some beech's. :nana2: