The Ugliest DC-10 (at least I think it's a DC-10)??? is beautiful, anyways N323FE is sporting a FedEx tail number however according to FAA.GOV this bird is still registered to United Airlines of 1200 Algonquin Rd., Elk Grove, Illinois.

It is a 1979 McDonnell-Douglas DC-10-30.

Amazing how much information is available on the net.

I saw this airplane again this past weekend in MEM..

Pops told me he thought it wasn't painted because it's on lease from United, he wasn't sure..
I did notice that if you look at the left side you can see the gigantic letters spelling out CARGO, then it looks like it was painted guessing this plane has been passed around a few times....i do agree though it must be leased from united if it still registered.

It was a UA cargo aircraft. UA still does own it, hence no paint yet, although we have several former SR MD11s that will be waiting on new paint due to us needing them to be operating for a while.
RE: Ugly Bird

FedEx opted to lease that DC-10 along with another one just like it. They are not painting them as they will likely go back at the end of their leases. The preference is to purchase MD-11's rather than the 10-30's now.
Good luck getting ahold of MD11's. UPS and FedEx (among others) are aggresively trying to snatch up any availably MD11's. Boeing was so short-sighted in destroying the MD11 tooling upon taking over MDD in 1997. The MD11 is a fantastic freighter and they probably could have sold another 200 frames had they not killed it. Things in Long Beach might have been different today...