Try around $40k-$50k if budgeted correctly. Cost of living in TH is dirt cheap. After doing the dorm thing the first year (ISU requirement), get a few roomates and an apartment or house.
As for THAC. No glass really. Used to have a cirrus on leaseback but we no longer have it. Almost all of our aircraft have capable avionics though. KLN89B's, Garmin 430's, GTX 330's, Storm scopes, KAP 140's, S-tec autopilot in one Arrow, etc... Even most of the 152's have dual comm/nav stacks with GS.
Personally, I'm not quite sold on the glass other than the "wow-neato" factor. I think being able to accurately pin-point your location on an approach plate or L-chart by using cross radials, an ADF needle, timing, and some dead wreckoning while partial panel is an extremely valuable tool.