The Relevance Threshold

Jonathan Tack

Well-Known Member
I've been a acquiring medical certificates throughout my 12 years in aviation, and i've honestly become more picky in my adherence to the written law. I'm looking for advice on what perspective i need to bear in mind as i fill out my next Form 8500-8.
Then the bottom of the page has me checking the box saying "I hereby certify that all statements and answers provided by me on this application form are COMPLETE and TRUE to the best of my knowledge..." (Emphasis mine)
I'm a very healthy, content, athletic, 30-ish guy who loves my Part 135 flying job, family and friends. I've never been admitted to a hospital, never been arrested or violated by the FAA. But when we get to Section 18, and given my aforementioned "pickiness", i'm hitting stumbling stones.
For example, 18b. states "dizziness or fainting spell". I looked up the definition of "dizziness", and yes i've gotten dizzy: I flew departed HOU during night under IMC, and i got into a few seconds of spatial disorientation. I turned around in an office chair and got myself dizzy. I had a moment at the dinner table when i was tired, hungry and stressed and my vestibular system must have gotten a bad cue, because i felt i was leaning to the left a few seconds.
another example, on 18j "kidney stone or blood in urine". I now recall seeing a little blood in my urine when i was going thru puberty. only time.
finally, the catch-all 18x "Other illness..." I had some serious bloating, gas and congestion last November for a few days. Just rode it out, never went to the doctor.

So here's the point i'm trying to make: I'm trying to be COMPLETE on these forms, but i'm not willing to be perceived as CRAZY. It seems CRAZY to mark yes on 18b because, well, yes, i've done spin training as a CFI! of course i've had dizziness!
I'm asking for clarification of perhaps an unstated "threshold of relevant information" on Form 8500-8. is there a difference between what the question is SAYING and what the question is REALLY asking for? If i think hard enough, this very healthy, content, athletic 30-ish guy could answer YES on boxes 18b (i've gotten dizzy before), 18c (i was unconscious while i slept last night), 18e (i have pollen and oral {food} allergies), 18i (i have bloating & gas pains about once every two years [no Dr., no Rx, just ride it out]) 18j (trace blood in urine in pubescent year), and 18x (i got motion sickness a few weeks back, etc).

I'm sure you get the idea, although i probably could have made this more succinct. I'd appreciate your word of wisdom, as i must get my new 1st class medical in May.
It is a common sense answer. They are looking for illnesses or health conditions for which you are treated or seek medical evaluation.
Honest follow up question here. Do they want you to put down your dental appointments when you have regular teeth cleanings or routine vision exams(assuming no health conditions were identified at those appointments)?
I think it is CYA for the FAA. In the event that you burn in with a plane load and the news finds out that you were dizzy one time when you were 12 at a carnival, the FAA can say "well he didn't mark that on the form"