The public's perception of flying


Well-Known Member
The public\'s perception of flying

AOL has a temporary forum going on regarding the courts ruling on the two "drunk" America West pilots. I couldn't stifle my curiosity and decided to take a peak. It's unbelievable how the public views pilots and even more amazing how little they understand about flying. Here's one thread among hundreds regarding the ruling.


Break the pilots union which is protecting them. Their reasoning- pilots can have a few because the plane flies itself, and all they do is monitor the systems. If this is true, then why must the pilots be paid up to $100,000 per year becasue they are supposedly such experts? You could get someone for under $30,000 to watch the dials. This would help bring down all the other wage scales and maybe put the airlines back into the black, or help put a cap on rising air fares.
Once the plane is on path in the sky it is put on an automatic pilot computerized program that ensures that the plane travels precisely on the path it is supposed to be on BUT! Experienced pilots are needed to land and for take off. In addition, those computerized controls do not factor in emergencies such as a plane or anything unexpectedly crossing the jets path. Or, if there is a malfunction or bad weather. In short you ALWAYS need a pilot and Copilot at the controls and personally I prefer that if I am flying how about you?
>In short you ALWAYS need a pilot and Copilot at the controls and personally I
>prefer that if I am flying how about you?

Preferable a sober one LOL
>pilots be paid up to $100,000 per year

They make way more than that. My brother-in law makes $167,000/yr. and he is only 48. He figures he makes about $700/hour in flight. I am not kidding.
do planes crash themselves to
>do planes crash themselves to

Sure if they run out of gas or a wing falls off or sumpin
Planes do not fly themselves, if that sort of intervention were available, we could have prevented 9-11
>Planes do not fly themselves, if that sort of intervention were available, we
>could have prevented 9-11

Well they really can-but the pilot can override the auto pilot

You dont know what your talking about. Lets see you try your hand at "monitoring" the stystems of a multimillion dollar machine, while making decisions that affect the lives of hundreds of people on each one flight. Lets not forget the wrong decision results in death.
> then why must the pilots be paid up to $100,000 per year becasue they are
>supposedly such experts? You could get someone for under $30,000 to watch
>the dials. This would help bring down all the other wage scales and maybe
>put the airlines back into the black, or help put a cap on rising air fares.

Or we could fly them by remote control
Absolutely that union is only there to protect THEM. Let's hire some Street People at minimum wage to watch the dials. And that union, they have never been involved in ANY Safety Procedures. They don't care about anything except protecting drunks. No union does. They do nothing about helping to support the rise in even minimum wage.
Sir, perhaps you need to read a few more books and let the newspapers be for 7th graders.
If you think that there is nothing to the airline piloting profession and that a $30,000 a year bozo sitting up there is acceptable, then perhaps you should become familiar with Korean Air. They have recorded 12 fatal accidents over the last decade alone. Everything about Korean's operation was done with the same mentality that you are pushing. "Airplanes that fly themselves" didn't keep Korean Air out of trouble. The only thing that keeps any airline out of trouble is well trained crews in the air and on the ground. Korean Air has begun cleaning up its act by investing heavily in safety. They no longer take a "nothing to it" attitude. They found out that it kills.
So many morons on this board spouting off on topics that they know absolutely nothing about.

>If this is true, then why must the pilots be paid up to $100,000 per year
>becasue they are supposedly such experts? You could get someone for under
>$30,000 to watch the dials.

God is the pilot, and the people we know as pilots are actually co-pilots. NO PLANE FLIES ITS SELF

Just an agonizing little cross-section of public opinion.
Re: The public\'s perception of flying

The ignorant always talk the loudest.

hmmmmmm, looks at self ....
Re: The public\'s perception of flying

Truley pathetic

[/ QUOTE ]

!st class Jackasses. And scary thing......a jury of our "peers".
Re: The public\'s perception of flying

Hey, I'm all for letting them pull some "street people in to monitor the dials." Last time someone thought they had a 'better' idea, USAAF pilots starting dying carying the mail. 'Course with the cross section we got going here, they would still find a way to blame the pilots. Someone should post the tution for Embry-Riddle up there. That might explain why pilots get paid what they do.

Can I go to AOL and start a thread on how many doctors really don't do anything but say "Uh-huh. I see. Well, take this and see me in two weeks. That'll be $500."
Re: The public\'s perception of flying


Can I go to AOL and start a thread on how many doctors really don't do anything but say "Uh-huh. I see. Well, take this and see me in two weeks. That'll be $500."

[/ QUOTE ]

Or the lawyer that makes one phone call for you and charges a few hundred bucks.
Re: The public\'s perception of flying

I love talking with the public about flying. Even as a student with under 10 hours people think that I'm almost ready to fly for the airlines.

One person I talked to was horrified that the FAA let people fly airliners with only 40 hours.

Another person I talked with said that he'd never fly with me because those small planes are death traps if the engine fails. He also said he felt safer on a 747 because they have like 4 pilots flying the plane at a time (one for each engine I guess), and because 747's glide much better than 172's. I promptly explained how gravity works with regards to a falling object to him. I also explained that any airliner only has one pilot actually flying the plane at one time, and that a 747 (depending on the model....right?) has at most 3 people in the cockpit: Capt, FO, and FE.

My mother was also amazed that I'd be able to fly anywhere in the U.S. once I have my PPL.

I also can't tell how many times I've gotten: You mean those Cessnas don't have bathrooms? What do you do if you have to go.
Re: The public\'s perception of flying

I promptly explained how gravity works

[/ QUOTE ]

... ya all better cut out that elitist-intelectual crap, ya hear ;>
Re: The public\'s perception of flying

I guess this kind of stuff is why they say eventually all pilots can't stand being around non-pilots.

I just hope I don't accidentally do the same kind of thing with other people's professions that I know nothing about.
Re: The public\'s perception of flying


I also can't tell how many times I've gotten: You mean those Cessnas don't have bathrooms? What do you do if you have to go.

[/ QUOTE ]
Ya they do, coke bottles
not cans
Re: The public\'s perception of flying

I hate when people ask me "so, you going to be an airline pilot" when I tell them I fly... it's like there is only one type of flying job and getting one is a matter of choice! It's kind of insulting, bc I know that they dont know how truly hard pilots have to work to land jobs, or in my case, just get a PPL!
Re: The public\'s perception of flying

>do planes crash themselves to

Sure if they run out of gas or a wing falls off or sumpin
...Yeah, because wings fall off all the time. I remember be asked by someone if I wear a helmut, (like those used in NASCAR) when I fly.
It's kinda like asking someone if they punt a football with a sand wedge.
Re: The public\'s perception of flying

It's kinda like asking someone if they punt a football with a sand wedge.

[/ QUOTE ]

You don't punt a football that way?

That explains a lot about my years in highschool .....
Re: The public\'s perception of flying

I remember be asked by someone if I wear a helmut, (like those used in NASCAR) when I fly. It's kinda like asking someone if they punt a football with a sand wedge.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, granted fighter pilots do wear helmets.

I try to keep myself informed in most areas but people in general have no clue about anything that doesn't directly affect them. I'd say at least 60-70% of people with cars don't even know how an internal combustion engine works. No wonder people are endlessly being screwed over by their mechanics. Mechanic "oh looks like the flux capastior is broken, that will be at least $500 to replace" Customer "Ok sure, just make the thing run"
Re: The public\'s perception of flying

Mmmmmm, open-faced club sand wedge...

[/ QUOTE ]

Always great to find other Simpsons fans out there!
Re: The public\'s perception of flying

I'd love to go there and really piss them off. I'd say things like, well, you've got things a little low on the pay scale, some pilots make more than $200K a year. I'd want to irritate them so much that they punched their computer screens in anger.

Hey, it would keep them from spreading their nonsense, right?