The Highest you've had a Skyhawk!

Re: The Highest you\'ve had a Skyhawk!

anybody know what 42 knots over the ground looks like???

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Actually, yes. I know what -5 knots over the ground looks like. But thats another story...

I don't think I've ever had a 172 above 8,000- I've never flown one far enough.

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Yeah, I did the slow flight thing, too...that is pretty cool. But there's something wrong with that at cruise......600 very long
Re: The Highest you\'ve had a Skyhawk!

But there's something wrong with that at cruise......600 very long

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Ugh, I can imagine!
Re: The Highest you\'ve had a Skyhawk!

13,500 for a few seconds in 152 & still had 150fpm climb!

It was however a chilly winter high pressure day.
Re: The Highest you\'ve had a Skyhawk!

10,500 flying from ABQ to PRC.

Scary flight actually, passed up a good chance to stop for gas in INW, miscomputed winds and fuel and had an extraordinarily nervous approach and landing in PRC.

I spent a few days waiting for my flight training manager to call me about a fueler putting 48 gallons into a 50 gallon capacity 172Q! I'm not sure if it ever got that low, but never miss an opportunity to pack a little extra fuel and never pass up a good airport when you've got suspicions.

16,000 feet? Good lord, did you pack a lunch and bring a couple of DVDs to keep you occupied until your top-of-climb point?

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You looked rather odd that day at home.......
Re: The Highest you\'ve had a Skyhawk!

Actually, yes. I know what -5 knots over the ground looks like. But thats another story...

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I wanna do that someday. I wanna get up in a Piper Cub and put it right into a stiff headwind and fly backwards!
Re: The Highest you\'ve had a Skyhawk!

Ah, you don't need a cub! I've done it in a 152, a 172, and a PA28-140! You just need a lot of wind aloft!
Re: The Highest you\'ve had a Skyhawk!

Yeah, I've done the negative groundspeed thing a couple of times....In a Katana/C172 and 152. Point it into the wind, drop all the flaps, listen to that stall warning horn scream and take a look over your shoulder.......It's a little disorienting at first!!
Re: The Highest you\'ve had a Skyhawk!

10,500ft, but in an RG (guess thats a bit like a Skyhawk). Then I got bored as the climb went on for about 50 miles and leveled off.

I Never realized such altitudes were possible! According to the performance charts in my POH, the C-172P service ceiling is approx. 10,000ft (I think, don't have it with me right now). Those must have been some updrafts!
Re: The Highest you\'ve had a Skyhawk!

11,500 and it took half an hour or so to get there.

I've also done the negative groundspeed thing (J3).
Re: The Highest you\'ve had a Skyhawk!

I instruct at KAPA in Denver Colorado. In the winter when it's cold and dense we do mountain check outs in newer 172. Returning from Aspen last January we were up at 16,700 briefly as we flew back up and over the Rockies to Denver.

I fly hang gliders and paragliders from Copper Mountain ski area in CO and I've gotten up to 17,999 MSL while on a 60 mile xc flight. Not bad for an engineless aircraft. The Sail Plane pilots are sometimes cleared into the mid flight levels and sometimes surf the mountain wave 500 miles out into the plains.

I also instruct in a new TC 182 that I've had up to FL210! Each new controler asks, "You're really a Cessna Skylane 182?"
Re: The Highest you\'ve had a Skyhawk!

The highest I went was enroute from KORL to KTLH @ 9500. I did have a buddy going from KORL to KFMY get up to 11500 in a 172R model. We were passing under the arrivals in to KMCO. Took forever to get there though.