That didn't take long... v.Oshkosh


Typical OSH deplaning...
Oshkosh isn't nearly as bad as some people make it out to be. I've been to local fly ins that were much worse.

  1. READ the NOTAM!!!
  2. Get in line
  3. Listen to the controllers at FISK
  4. head to either 9/27 or 18/36
  5. put your wheels on the dot they tell you to
  6. follow the flagmen

I don't have nearly as much faith in my fellow humans as you do.

The gyro accident last year happened because someone disregarded explicitly stated rules for whatever reason and two innocent people lost their lives over it. This may be slightly hyperbolic, but that guy should have faced manslaughter charges for that demonstration of asshattery.

You can be the best pilot in the world and all it takes is some derp who thinks the rules don't apply to him and your six feet under.

Three wrecks in less than a week and those are just the incidents that are noteworthy enough to make the news. If you pay for your own insurance and wonder why it's so ungodly expensive, here you go. This hobby/profession is quickly becoming out of reach of the average man and events like this are a big reason why.
In all seriousness, are these yahoos just showing up, completely unbriefed and not even considering landing data?

Well, in his defense Jack Roush has never been known for his superior airmanship, but instead for his ability to afford and operate expensive aircraft however the hell he wants to.


Going fast and breaking things has been his formula for success in life.
I don't have nearly as much faith in my fellow humans as you do.

The gyro accident last year happened because someone disregarded explicitly stated rules for whatever reason and two innocent people lost their lives over it. This may be slightly hyperbolic, but that guy should have faced manslaughter charges for that demonstration of asshattery.

You can be the best pilot in the world and all it takes is some derp who thinks the rules don't apply to him and your six feet under.

Three wrecks in less than a week and those are just the incidents that are noteworthy enough to make the news. If you pay for your own insurance and wonder why it's so ungodly expensive, here you go. This hobby/profession is quickly becoming out of reach of the average man and events like this are a big reason why.
Should absolutely face manslaughter charges. DOJ, after all, imprisoned someone for a YouTube prank that harmed no one. Least they could do is open a criminal investigation.
Should absolutely face manslaughter charges. DOJ, after all, imprisoned someone for a YouTube prank that harmed no one. Least they could do is open a criminal investigation.
Which one are you referring to here, 'cause, I'm probably going to disagree that 'nobody was harmed' depending.
Should absolutely face manslaughter charges. DOJ, after all, imprisoned someone for a YouTube prank that harmed no one. Least they could do is open a criminal investigation.

Trevor Jacob may not have physically harmed anyone, but he yeeted an airplane without concern for who or what it was going to hit. He also contributed to rising aircraft insurance rates by totaling a perfect good airplane.

He very much deserved jail time for that and his subsequent actions during the investigation.
Intentionally crashing a plane into a National Forest (or anywhere really), and then tampering with the evidence of said crash, and then lying about it to a Federal agency, may not directly harm anybody, but certainly breaks enough laws that prison time was warranted.
Disregarding explicit and multiple warnings to not conduct a certain manoeuvre because of safety concerns, then conducting said manoeuvre and killing others is grounds for criminal prosecution. A fresh prosecutor looking for an quick win on manslaughter charges can easily bag this one.
Disregarding explicit and multiple warnings to not conduct a certain manoeuvre because of safety concerns, then conducting said manoeuvre and killing others is grounds for criminal prosecution. A fresh prosecutor looking for an quick win on manslaughter charges can easily bag this one.
Form810 is back.
Talking about endangering the public: Seeking to mislead investigators into thinking he died in a plane crash, in 2009 Marcus Schrenker bailed out of his Piper Meridian over Alabama. It flew another 200 miles on autopilot before fuel exhaustion, crashing 20 miles short of the Gulf of Mexico. (I don't think he took into account the drag from the open doors which kept the aircraft from reaching the Gulf.)
Disregarding explicit and multiple warnings to not conduct a certain manoeuvre because of safety concerns, then conducting said manoeuvre and killing others is grounds for criminal prosecution. A fresh prosecutor looking for an quick win on manslaughter charges can easily bag this one.

Oh, Trevor Jacob. Agree.

I was thinking he was referring to the Red Bull inflight transfer of Cessna 182s gone wrong a couple years back south of Arizona City; which they were explicitly told not to undertake. And did anyway.
Talking about endangering the public: Seeking to mislead investigators into thinking he died in a plane crash, in 2009 Marcus Schrenker bailed out of his Piper Meridian over Alabama. It flew another 200 miles on autopilot before fuel exhaustion, crashing 20 miles short of the Gulf of Mexico. (I don't think he took into account the drag from the open doors which kept the aircraft from reaching the Gulf.)

He was sentenced to over four years for his airplane stunt, plus fines.