Terror Level Raised To Orange

You have a greater chance of dieing from asprine or in an elevator than in an attack.........
I wonder what the reality of this really means. They ( Home Land Security ) have identified aviation as a possible mode of employment for another attack. Will they again ground all "general" aviaiton airplanes and throw up TFR's around Nuke plants? I am base at an airport within the zone they have set up around the Nuke plants and when this happens it shuts down our flight operations. We don't even get a heads up to relocate our airplane so that we may continue our business operations. I guess this is the sacrafice our company makes in making the Home Land more secure.
This time "they", ( the government, Tom Ridge etc.) is acting like they know something we all don't. They seem a bit nervous to me. Gotta be honest with ya's. I'm a little concerned. Not much, but a bit.

Hope we all have a good holiday season.

Man, are these irritating.

I love this phrase:

The threat information comes from multiple, credible sources but officials are unaware of a specific target or means of attack, added a senior law enforcement official.

Some of the intercepted communications and other intelligence mentions New York, Washington and unspecified cities on the West Coast, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. Authorities also are concerned about dams, bridges, nuclear plants, chemical facilities and other public works.

In other words, we have no clue what the hell is going on, but we're going to raise the terror alert level. They might strike at New York or DC, or maybe the west coast. And they might go after a dam or bridge, but maybe they'll go after some other public works.

This warning is USELESS!

And if either of our last two Presidents had done their job and taken out bin Laden back in late 2000, early 2001 when they had the chance...

Oh, yeah, just so you know what this means for the DC3? Well, now you'll have to get your airplane, your bags, and the bags of any of your passengers checked by a TSA rep. You cannot fly directly into any of the DC3 airports anymore. You need to head to FME for a check before you do that.

And if either of our last two Presidents had done their job and taken out bin Laden back in late 2000, early 2001 when they had the chance...

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Do you believe he is still alive?

And if either of our last two Presidents had done their job and taken out bin Laden back in late 2000, early 2001 when they had the chance...

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Do you believe he is still alive?

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