Federal Aviation Administration Phoenix, Arizona:<BR /><p>Serves as an Operations Supervisor in an ATC-11 terminal facility, responsible for planning and directing operations within delegated areas of responsibility. Provides first line supervision to a team of Developmental and Certified Professional Controllers.</p> <strong>Duties</strong> <p> <p>Supervises a staff of Air Traffic Control Specialists that is responsible for carrying out air traffic control assignments within a geographic area.</p><p>Plans and assigns work to be accomplished by subordinate employees. Sets work priorities and schedules. Approves leave; gives advice, counsel, and instruction to employees on both work and administrative matters. Evaluates performance of employees and recommends performance ratings. Hears and resolves complaints from employees and refers group grievances and more serious unresolved complaints to a higher-level manager. Identifies and arranges for developmental and other training needs of employees. Finds ways to improve production or increase the quality of the work directed. Adjusts staffing levels and work procedures to accommodate resource decisions made at higher levels. Recommends goals and objectives for the area and tracks accomplishments.</p><p>Communicates and reinforces diversity and EEO policies and programs in all areas of responsibility, including selections, training, and transfers. Supports and participates in the labor management partnership process and fosters a work environment where all employees are treated in a fair and equitable manner.</p><p>The Operations Supervisor reports to the Operations Manager. Performance is evaluated upon the effectiveness with which assigned program objectives are achieved.</p> </p>
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