Superbowl "Scandal" Redux.


Apparently a "terse" writer
Staff member
Superbowl \"Scandal\" Redux.

I think it proves the point that controversy sells!

Over the past few days, everyone's been angry about the Superbowl halftime party, commercials, et al, but if you look at the traffic patterns of an aviation website such as this, this weekend has sparked some of the hottest topics this site has ever seen.

CBS, record producers, pundits, everyone in the entertainment industry has gleaned more free advertising worldwide than they ever imagined. MTV even slid in publicity for their show "Punk'd" (As in MTV saying "...Janet and Justin punk'd us with their act...")

CBS is back in the spotlight after their Reagan miniseries SNAFU.

MTV got LOADS of publicity for "Punk'd" and doing cutting edge material as it's fighting with networks like "FuseTV".

Justin Timberlake is going to sell more albums and virtually guarantee when the next ablum debuts, it'll be at the top of the headlines.

Janet Jackson has laid the ground for a new album and the requisite exposure.

Anyone else clue in?

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Re: Superbowl Redux.

It was even the most 'electronically rewound' moment in TiVO history. Apparently, lots of people were so appalled, they watched it over and over and over again.

Which is another question, if you own a TiVO, can you 'opt out' of them monitoring which programs you watch? I'd hate to TiVO "Blind Date" and then get a bunch of singles ads in my mailbox. Or watch a lot of History channel about WW2 and get the local neo-Nazi chapter inviting me to drop by and hear about Hitler or something!
Re: Superbowl Redux.

not to mention that they'll both be at the grammy's performing too - could we call this a "pre advertisement"?

not only that but today is - election day - (primaries of course) here in AZ and instead of the preliminary results being talked about or the candidates, it's all about this entertainment frenzy... even one of the guys on the radio said "here it is an election day where the talk should be about candidates, the amount of people going to the polls, reminders to go to the polls etc and all anyone is talking about is the superbowl half time show. Comeon people, let's get back to what's important"
Re: Superbowl \"Scandal\" Redux.

123 posts in 18 hours (Squawk Box topic JJ-B) must be right up there on the old post-it-meter, eh?
Re: Superbowl \"Scandal\" Redux.

In fact, here is the link concerning how our "shocked and awed" nation watched the even over and over and over again.

Re: Superbowl \"Scandal\" Redux.

You can opt out of having your Tivo collect viewing information but you need to call and request it.
Re: Superbowl \"Scandal\" Redux.

In AU we have heard about the contreversy it has caused in the US, however it is not even edited with those funky squares when it is on the news, however on Letterman (straight from the US) it is all censored up.

I personally am not sure what the big deal is, it is a boob, on its own nothing to get really excited about.
Re: Superbowl Redux.

It was even the most 'electronically rewound' moment in TiVO history. Apparently, lots of people were so appalled, they watched it over and over and over again.

Which is another question, if you own a TiVO, can you 'opt out' of them monitoring which programs you watch? I'd hate to TiVO "Blind Date" and then get a bunch of singles ads in my mailbox. Or watch a lot of History channel about WW2 and get the local neo-Nazi chapter inviting me to drop by and hear about Hitler or something!

[/ QUOTE ]

Doug, those numbers come from households that have agreed to have their TV watching monitered for a small bit of compensation. It is similiar to Nielsen ratings or polls where they take a small sampling of the total population and project totals for the entire population of Tivo subscribers. I remember reading somewhere that they have around 20,000 - 25,000 "volunteers".
Re: Superbowl Redux.

Maybe Tivo has changed their policy. I bought my Tivo about a year ago and activated the service it told me Tivo would collect information about my viewing and gave a number to call to opt out of the data collection.
Re: Superbowl \"Scandal\" Redux.

Sheesh. And here I was, thinking that something, kinda, sorta, just a tiny bit more important than whether or not a has been, no talent, washed up, coattail of her brother riding celeb showed a little skin was going on.

You know, like determining who one of the two candidates for the most important office in the country, if not the world, would be?

Silly me.
Re: Superbowl \"Scandal\" Redux.

Sheesh. And here I was, thinking that something, kinda, sorta, just a tiny bit more important than whether or not a has been, no talent, washed up, coattail of her brother riding celeb showed a little skin was going on.

[/ QUOTE ]

has-been? Maybe. no-talent? Come on, Tony, you're breaking my heart! coat-tail of her brother? I think it's safe to say that Janet has held her own since the early-mid 80's....
Re: Superbowl \"Scandal\" Redux.

like determining who one of the two candidates for the most important office in the country, if not the world, would be?

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't think that is going to be a tough guess this time around.
Re: Superbowl \"Scandal\" Redux.

Don't think that is going to be a tough guess this time around.

[/ QUOTE ]No, it certainly isn't.
Re: Superbowl \"Scandal\" Redux.

How come when I posted the very first (I think) remarks about the titty bowl, someone on the site moved it to the squawk box. Now, its all over the general topics???? Just thought I'd ask?
Re: Superbowl \"Scandal\" Redux.

I don't know or I don't remember.
