Stupid overcast


New Member
I'm annoyed because I wanted to finish up my 50 Hrs PIC XC this weeked so I can start my instrument training pt 61, and the clouds have been like 1500 overcast all day! I don't feel comfortable doing anything but pattern work in this weather.

Sorry, just thought I'd gripe at my computer.

I'm bored....
So you are going all the way to 50 PIC before you start your training? Im going to probably get around 34 or 40 and just integrate the rest into instrument training with a safety pilot or something.
I've got 34 right now. I wanted to do 2 decent cross countries this weekend in the old 152 (cheap and slow) and knock out 6 or 7 more. I figure that's enough, since I will get some more during the instrument training.

Remember you can't count the dual cross countries you did as a student, since you weren't PIC yet.
I can only fly once a week (don't like debt) so 141 would be too structured for me. Also I'll need the time anyway so I might as well have fun buzzing around to every airport in north-central florida!
start your instrument training NOW... and two weeks before your checkride, if you are short XC PIC time deal with it then. Why buy time that yo umight need to use in your IRA curriculum.
I had a great time flying aroud in the overcast today
, sorry bud, ones mans trash is another mans treasure. There will probably come a time in the near future where ill be complaining about weather and youll be loving it while getting your instrument rating.
You think you've got it bad, I've been trying to take a stage check and have had to cancel it 4 times for weather due to all the storms here in NorCal. There are no more lessons that my instructor and I can work on until after I pass the check so I'm kind of at a stand-still, but at the same time I have to have flown within 5 days to take a stage check so I'm going to have to pay for training I don't need in order to stay current. I've finally got it sheduled for Tuesday and it looks like the weather will be good, but I've got jury duty, and if I get called I'll have to cancel again.

Sorry, just thought I'd gripe at my computer.

I'm bored....

[/ QUOTE ]

If you are looking to get to instrument training then go read all the posts in the technical forum. In aviation you should never be bored. If you are that means you aren't studying. Personally, I am in this because I will never know everything and that will give me so much to learn.
Just a thought here but you can combine inst + XC time

i.e. go fly in the clouds when it's cloudy with your instructor... you'll get to log it as actual (which you want) AND PIC xc (which you need).
Storms? In NorCal?

It was a great day today. At least after about 10 or 11 I think. I was up in Hayward today, and it was one of them crisp flying days that we get between storms. Clouds were just clearing over the hills easy of OAK, there was a line high over the coast range west of PAO area, and super easy to spot all the jet and copter traffic around.

Unfortunately, I was driving on the ground during all this, but still would have loved to be out flying today.

Go do some spins or somethin' so you don't feel you are paying for something you don't need.
Well, the day I was last scheduled to fly was Thursday, I think we can agree that was not a good day to fly in the Bay Area. It looks like it has cleared for the most part. Spins would be fun, but I'm only working on my private so its not quite practical or legal. Except for a couple solo flights which I can't do until after my stage check, I'm done. In order to stay current I'll have to repeat my last lesson which I really don't need to do. That's what really sucks about 141, you can't move ahead.