New Member
Hi all,
A previous post of mine discussed the problems I am having learning to land. I have 26 hours and have not done my solo yet because of the landing issues. I can't go on to other lessons until I solo ( Part 141) so it is costing me a fortune. Taking the advise of many, I went up yesterday with my schools Asst. Chief Flight Instructor to see if he can help. He tried his best but in hindsight we probably shouldn't of went up. The only objective of that flight was to work on my normal landings. As such the fact that there were cross winds at 10KT, gusting to 16 ( C-172) and the active runway was 3300' that I had only used once since January ( the runway we use most of the time is 5100') this eliminated the possibility of using more of the runway as some suggested because they had me doing touch and go's. I guess monday morning quarterbacking is easy to do. The landings were all the worst I have ever done as I have never worked on cross wind landings.
Is it permitted to hire a "free lance" cfi to work with me specifically on landings so it does not get entered into my lesson plan at my school. I do not want my current CFI getting in trouble because of all my "official" review flights. My thought is that I will work on my landings with someone else and return to my CFI when I am done. I want to be loyal to him as he has been very supportive and patient with me.
What are your thoughts?
A previous post of mine discussed the problems I am having learning to land. I have 26 hours and have not done my solo yet because of the landing issues. I can't go on to other lessons until I solo ( Part 141) so it is costing me a fortune. Taking the advise of many, I went up yesterday with my schools Asst. Chief Flight Instructor to see if he can help. He tried his best but in hindsight we probably shouldn't of went up. The only objective of that flight was to work on my normal landings. As such the fact that there were cross winds at 10KT, gusting to 16 ( C-172) and the active runway was 3300' that I had only used once since January ( the runway we use most of the time is 5100') this eliminated the possibility of using more of the runway as some suggested because they had me doing touch and go's. I guess monday morning quarterbacking is easy to do. The landings were all the worst I have ever done as I have never worked on cross wind landings.
Is it permitted to hire a "free lance" cfi to work with me specifically on landings so it does not get entered into my lesson plan at my school. I do not want my current CFI getting in trouble because of all my "official" review flights. My thought is that I will work on my landings with someone else and return to my CFI when I am done. I want to be loyal to him as he has been very supportive and patient with me.
What are your thoughts?