For Sale Stratus 2S - almost new


Vocals, Lyrics, Triangle, Washboard, Kittens

I have a Stratus 2S I'm considering selling. Works perfectly, includes charger, suction cup mount and carrying case.

I don't have a lot of use for it lately - I'm going to be instructing (hopefully) in a fleet where there is already traffic/ADS-B. Weather and AHRS would be nice to have but I'm not flying as much business XC as I'd originally planned and the utility just isn't there for me right now.

So. I'm not in a major hurry to unload or sell it, but if someone wants to give me $425 for it, I'd sell. That's in the range of what they're going for on Ebay, and it's about half the price of a new one, with a solid reputation for reliability and compatibility.

Would also consider a trade against a gently used Lightspeed Zulu2 or Zulu3.
