Stop messing with certificates


Well-Known Member
Noting it is ~20 years since the last big change (paper to plastic) can we STOP with more changes to Certificates…

In the last 6 months we’ve had notice of CFI expiry removal. I decided to renew early due to the below.

Most other countries are still using paper certificates and actual written exams. Can we just hold on for a minute.
This seems like another short-sighted bill written by people that don't understand how global industries work. Of course the guy is a Republican yet again.

I say this because there is a good chance that other countries we will still require physical certificates. Want to get the ball rolling? Get ICAO on board.

If this guy wants to do some good then maybe he should get the FAA to simplify medexpress. All they need these days is a "what changed since last time" form since everything we put in is already in a database. I know because I forget stuff every time and my AME lets me know.

Maybe I should send that idea to DOGE. I'm sure they will take it seriously 😂
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I assume it would be both. My drivers license is electronic and physical. All my credit and debit cards are digital and physical. It makes perfect sense to go this way…