Stock trading?


New Member
Anyone out here does it? How did you learn it? Any teaching software one could get thats good for learning this stuff?
There are a few here who have done it or currently do, I just don't remember who and don't have the time today to use the search function. Give it a little time and I'm sure someone will chime in
I don't prevent to know much about the stock market, but I would be extremely careful from here on out. I think there are several reasons to believe it's due for a big correction.
I don't prevent to know much about the stock market, but I would be extremely careful from here on out. I think there are several reasons to believe it's due for a big correction.

Even if the correction comes, I view it as nothing but a buying opportunity. Corporate profits are at incredible highs. The fundamentals support higher stock prices.

Mr Buffet has said something to the effect of "The time to be fearful is when others are greedy. And the time to be greedy is when others are fearful."

I like to keep cash as a reasonable percentage of my total portfolio so that when buying opportunities present themselves I am able to act.

I have a mix of trading and investing in my accounts, with short, medium, and indefinite holding periods.

Do your research, do your best to educate yourself, and then you will be able to form you own opinions and disregard the talking heads and tabloidesque news articles on hot stocks or doom and gloom.

However be weary of anyone who tells you they completely understand the market or how it thinks. The same can be said for women...
I've done some good watching JC and shorting particular airlines stocks. 8)

Doing stocks IMO is a full time job.

I pay an annual 1.27% to manage my money. Well worth it.
If you're a value investor, it doesn't have to be full time. But you definitely need to be able to devote a few hours a week to it.

And keep in mind, if the guy you're paying to manage your money isn't beating the market by at least 1.28%, then you're wasting your money.
Correction may be coming, might not be. As long as interest rates are at "is it my birthday!?!" Levels I won't be too worried. You actually need to pick good companies now instead of the first half of 2013 where it was all gold.

I've only been in the stock market for three years, and they have been three pretty great years so I really cannot claim to know much. My mutual funds after the dotcom bust turned me off for a long while and off from mutual funds.
It would be interesting to see percent returns of others though. I believe I'd be solidly middle pack .
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