Starting over?


New Member
I have been out of the game since late 2004. Furloughed from ACA/Independence (IAD) in 2004 (before they went out of business) and went into commercial real estate. I am considering getting back in the saddle. I'm 45, living in Virginia but would ideally like to fly ex pat for the last few years of my career. I would appreciate any guidance you have to offer. Sim time suggested, type of flying i should be looking at initially? Companies hiring guys with my type of time? ATPL required?
Willing to relocate to do what needs to be done.
Flew freight: Beech 99 (135)
Flew Pax: Beech 1900, DASH 8, CRJ (121)
Ameriflight, Piedmont Airlines, ACA/Indepedence
TT: 3,500
Jet: 2,000 (CRJ)
PIC in multi: 450