Spirit Hiring Again - June 2024

With that said......for those that are inclined to stick around, increases from DOH are 12 months $66k/18 months $68k/24 months $80k. It's more or less linear increases after that. Do with that as you will.
We'd probably have a better deal if more people thought the way you do. It's simple supply and demand.
Not quite. The only reason for a raise at all is the attrition. If it was truly overstaffed, well it would be like the pilots with furloughs instead. The pilots technically are allowed to negotiate a new contract too under their TA since the merger was terminated, but are obviously focused on job preservation instead
Not quite. The only reason for a raise at all is the attrition. If it was truly overstaffed, well it would be like the pilots with furloughs instead. The pilots technically are allowed to negotiate a new contract too under their TA since the merger was terminated, but are obviously focused on job preservation instead
The point was more that new hire classes have always been full over the years, despite the relatively low initial pay (big jump at 24 month anniversary in current CBA). The new scale suggests that the company is still willing to absorb some attrition believing that those remaining either don't have the resume to move on, and/or have ties to Florida in some way and are unwilling to move/commute, and/or are too senior to want to start over elsewhere. The shift to hiring more internal candidates recently is a nod to how costly attrition has been but highlights that keeping downward pressure on (especially) starting pay remains the priority. All that said, the negotiating team had to scratch and claw to get even this deal dragged across the line, which we are most grateful for, especially considering the company's tenuous financial position and other groups in line for their own deals.
The point was more that new hire classes have always been full over the years, despite the relatively low initial pay (big jump at 24 month anniversary in current CBA). The new scale suggests that the company is still willing to absorb some attrition believing that those remaining either don't have the resume to move on, and/or have ties to Florida in some way and are unwilling to move/commute, and/or are too senior to want to start over elsewhere. The shift to hiring more internal candidates recently is a nod to how costly attrition has been but highlights that keeping downward pressure on (especially) starting pay remains the priority. All that said, the negotiating team had to scratch and claw to get even this deal dragged across the line, which we are most grateful for, especially considering the company's tenuous financial position and other groups in line for their own deals.
This TA is likely targeted more at retaining people for those reasons or bringing on internals rather than recruiting externals with the start pay still low.
It’s widely expected that Spirit will file for bankruptcy before the end of the year and all CBA’s will be on the chopping block if concessions aren’t given. So as awful as this TA sounds I can’t imagine getting anything better in this environment.
It’s widely expected that Spirit will file for bankruptcy before the end of the year and all CBA’s will be on the chopping block if concessions aren’t given. So as awful as this TA sounds I can’t imagine getting anything better in this environment.

That’s the unfortunate truth. I feel for all the people in limbo over there. Hope they start catching some breaks soon.
On Friday the union successfully negotiated with the company for a 2 year TA, pending Spirit board approval.
What are the odds that the board rejects the TA under the guise of a poor balance sheet and musings of ch 11 at the end of the year instead of approving it?
What are the odds that the board rejects the TA under the guise of a poor balance sheet and musings of ch 11 at the end of the year instead of approving it?
The odds are zero considering the board approved it as of a week ago. The dispatchers are currently all voting on it with voting closing on Saturday the 10th, at which point it will go onto effect on the 16th (if it meets the majority votes needed to pass it, of course).

The Negotiating Team themselves were disappointed at how little the company wanted to give as well, but considering the company just lost another $200 million dollars last quarter and are forecast to lose $300 million this quarter with no positive cash flow in sight for at least another year (even with the new "GO" ticketing changes going through), it is a small miracle we got anything at all with the biggest boon reducing the top out from 15 years to 12 years. I went through the Five Stages of Grief pretty quickly upon seeing the new TA, hitting "Acceptance" in record time because having a raise immediately is better than potentially having nothing at all for two years before bankruptcy, even if the raise is borderline insulting when it comes to the industry standard.

And regarding bankruptcy, September of next year is when the chickens will come home to roost as that is when (1) a lot of Spirit's loans mature and (2) most of the A321-NEOs will be grounded courtesy of P&W. That is the highest chance of when Chapter 11 will be declared imo, but weirder things have happened in this industry so it could be sooner or later. I personally don't think bankruptcy is on the table this year, but next year is when everyone will be paying attention. The C-suite executives are more than likely stalling for time in order to shop for more liquidity or someone to buy us outright with another attempt at a merger. Whoever that may be is anyone's guess.

As has been said before in this and other threads: "the only certainty about Spirit is its uncertainty".
And regarding bankruptcy, September of next year is when the chickens will come home to roost as that is when (1) a lot of Spirit's loans mature and (2) most of the A321-NEOs will be grounded courtesy of P&W. That is the highest chance of when Chapter 11 will be declared imo, but weirder things have happened in this industry so it could be sooner or later. I personally don't think bankruptcy is on the table this year, but next year is when everyone will be paying attention. The C-suite executives are more than likely stalling for time in order to shop for more liquidity or someone to buy us outright with another attempt at a merger. Whoever that may be is anyone's guess.

As has been said before in this and other threads: "the only certainty about Spirit is its uncertainty".
Chapter 7 may return.
ties to Florida
Yea that's the key. Miami especially is hate it or love it...many have left... but those who love it are very very unwilling to leave it. And NK, for all it's faults, remains well above the other carriers in this industry in that area.
Yea that's the key. Miami especially is hate it or love it...many have left... but those who love it are very very unwilling to leave it. And NK, for all it's faults, remains well above the other carriers in this industry in that area.
The starting pay here is still pathetically low compared to even all the cargo carriers down here, but our top out is a bit better and having union protection and the schedule we have is always nice.

Speaking of which, it is official: the TA was voted in today by most union members and will go into effect on Friday the 16th.
The starting pay here is still pathetically low compared to even all the cargo carriers down here, but our top out is a bit better and having union protection and the schedule we have is always nice.

Speaking of which, it is official: the TA was voted in today by most union members and will go into effect on Friday the 16th.
No doubt. But I have heard some of the current Spirit DX have come from those cargo carriers, even at a starting pay cut. I believe National is the only carrier in FL with competitive pay across the scale who has poached a DX or two from NK. But Western Global went bankrupt, MiamiAir liquidated, Silver is a regional....GlobalX pays higher to start but I haven't heard much of any sort of scale there. Plus most of them are 12 hour shifts.
No doubt. But I have heard some of the current Spirit DX have come from those cargo carriers, even at a starting pay cut. I believe National is the only carrier in FL with competitive pay across the scale who has poached a DX or two from NK. But Western Global went bankrupt, MiamiAir liquidated, Silver is a regional....GlobalX pays higher to start but I haven't heard much of any sort of scale there. Plus most of them are 12 hour shifts.
National in MCO is the only other option and their starting pay is $76k. However, they are 4-on, 3-off with no union, so good luck trying to negotiate for higher pay once you get to top of scale.
National in MCO is the only other option and their starting pay is $76k. However, they are 4-on, 3-off with no union, so good luck trying to negotiate for higher pay once you get to top of scale.
7Air in Miami will be starting their dispatchers at 76,000