Special VFR


Well-Known Member
I shoud probably look this up in the previous posts, but.... 61.89 states that a student pilot can't operate during the day w/o 3sm and at night 5sm also without visual reference of the ground. So how does he get a special VFR clearance, I also didn't see anything that said it was prohibited? :confused:
I shoud probably look this up in the previous posts, but.... 61.89 states that a student pilot can't operate during the day w/o 3sm and at night 5sm also without visual reference of the ground. So how does he get a special VFR clearance, I also didn't see anything that said it was prohibited? :confused:

14 CFR 91.157(b)(4)(i) and (ii)

"(i)The person being granted the ATC clearance meets the applicable requirements for instrument flight under part 61 of this chapter; and

(ii) The aircraft is equipped as required in §91.205(d)."
"The person being granted the ATC clearance meets the applicable requirement for instrument flight under part 61..." :D whoops...........

"The person being granted the ATC clearance meets the applicable requirement for instrument flight under part 61..." :D whoops...........


This is why helos rule. Special VFR under 1 mile viz is good to go...and legal. :D
This is why helos rule. Special VFR under 1 mile viz is good to go...and legal. :D

That doesn't really sound safe....does sound like fun though :D I need to learn more about Helos, that would be a bad @** rating to have (expensive though)
That doesn't really sound safe....does sound like fun though :D I need to learn more about Helos, that would be a bad @** rating to have (expensive though)

Yeah. It's kind of tough keeping the regs differences between the two separate sometimes, since they differ in a good few areas.
14 CFR 91.157(b)(4)(i) and (ii)

"(i)The person being granted the ATC clearance meets the applicable requirements for instrument flight under part 61 of this chapter; and

(ii) The aircraft is equipped as required in §91.205(d)."

That's not it, that tidbit only applies to special VFR at night, for daytime special VFR you do not need an instrument rating or an IFR airplane.

You already cited the necessary references yourself in the OP, part 61.89. A student pilot can not fly with less than 3 miles of visibility, hence they can not use a special VFR clearance. Where's the confusion?
I would never allow a student to fly in less than 3 miles vis or at night, legal or not. Why even risk it?