Southwest to charge for bags

They'll pull all these levers, then after the Trump recession he who shall not be named will dust off the old playbook from his USAir days. They'll say they've tried everything possible to increase revenue but now they have no other options than to decrease costs.

Dark times ahead Harry.
They'll pull all these levers, then after the Trump recession he who shall not be named will dust off the old playbook from his USAir days. They'll say they've tried everything possible to increase revenue but now they have no other options than to decrease costs.

Dark times ahead Harry.
Aw shucks Zap, 2 billion in stock buybacks aren’t going to pay for themselves!

Wonder if this was the final nail in Ryan Green’s job here. He was really going after the study that said charging for bags was a loser on investor day.

I’ll be an optimist and say that at least there is another revenue lever being pulled on the brink of the coming Trump recession.