South Texas CFI Job


Well-Known Member
Hello All,

Anyone down in South texas, or know of anywhere in south texas, looking for a CFI? Or, a pilot for their plane. If anyone knows of anywhere, let me know.

From another forum:
Harvey and Rihn Aviation
101 Airport Boulevard
La Porte, Texas 77571
Ph: Please no calls
Fax: (281) 471-6646

Full-time positions available. Indicate SE, ME, Tailwheel times in your resume.
I know you said South Texas... but if you cant find anything down there the place in Lubbock is always posting on findapilot.
I applied to that harvey rihn place.. but heres the thing. The training right now is slow in that area, and for me to move up their, I'm going to need to know someone to live with, or else I'll be homeless. As in unable to make rent the first month or two because of the slow times..... and that place in lubbock i've also sent a resume too.. and tried to call them, but their phone number seems to be a fax line or something..
For those not in the know...MFE = McAllen = WAAAAAAAAY south Texas.

Do you know Charlie McDougal? He's a DE out there that I occasionally used in Austin. Super friendly guy that might have some connection.

If you can move to Houston, I believe Dutch Wings is also hiring...or so the rumor mill states. They might have student housing. Harvey Rhin might as well...I imagine they get a ton of out of towners for the aerobatic programs.
For those not in the know...MFE = McAllen = WAAAAAAAAY south Texas.

Do you know Charlie McDougal? He's a DE out there that I occasionally used in Austin. Super friendly guy that might have some connection.

If you can move to Houston, I believe Dutch Wings is also hiring...or so the rumor mill states. They might have student housing. Harvey Rhin might as well...I imagine they get a ton of out of towners for the aerobatic programs.

ha thanks for that clear up mchasey... hopefully that helps PPL hahaah:rawk:

And, no I dont know charlie mcdougal... is that his website or something?? I would be willing to move to houston as well.. if I could get some moving help and be gauranteed enough money to pay rent haha..

Thanks! :D
Charlie doesn't live down in McAllen anymore, he moved up to San Antonio. I do think that he is still flying corporate stuff down there though. Really cool guy and highly recommended if you need a DPE in the S. TX area!
I still teach at H&R in my free time (what little of it I have)..but dont know of anyone looking to split any kind of housing costs. There are lots of descently priced apartments in the area though.

However, and this is just an could hire on at one of the schools (H&R, DutchWings, Ascent) in houston but also pick up a line service job at an FBO as well until your business picks up enough to rely solely on your flying.

There are lots of FBO's in houston, especially hobby, where you could make some cash as well as alot of good connections.

Good luck.
thanks guys for the advice... after I posted this, i've gotten 2 job leads for CFI'ing in Virginia, which I definently think i'll be taking.

Thanks alot guys..