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Well here you go folks, I'm on to step 3, I've again posted this in a new section to avoid hugely long posts.
Day 1 - Friday, Febuary 13th
Well today I had two sessions in the Frasca, I had come in early since my instructor's previous flight had been canceled, and with time to spare we decided to get the 2nd lesson out of the way as well. Not before a free BBQ lunch though!
FlightSafety seemed to have random free BBQs down at the flightline until someone told me that they do it when they reach their projected hours for the month. Since I've been here I think it's been the 2nd or 3rd free BBQ. So I guess that means things are going well here, either way I'll take a free lunch anytime I can get one
As for the lessons, we did pattern work and some engine failures and single engine flight. It was mostly about learning the checklist/proceedures than anything. Cheaper in the Frasca than in the Seminole!
Day 2 - Saturday, Febuary 14th
No flying today, just bummed around, feels like a Sunday, I usally fly Saturdays, although it did give me some time to write up the aircraft writen, took up a good portion of the day, also went bowling again tonight with the guys.
Day 3 - Sunday, Feburary 15th
Another day off, just watched the Daytona 500, hard to belive it's only like 30mins from here (by plane) I wanted tickets but waited too long, oh well, maybe next year.
Day 4 - Monday, Febuary 16th
Ah, the day I've been waiting for first flight in the Seminole!
Well we preflighted the aircraft and my instructor showed me a detailed walk around and all the stuff I need to look for. Lots of lying on the ground for this aircraft as you need to look in the gear bays and the only way to look at the engines is through the cowl flaps. Although draining the fuel is easier as it's all at one point and no tanks to switch. Did the start up and taxi out. It kinda felt like driving a boat using differental power to assist with turns. Did the runup which took a bit longer, two of everything and also prop controls to deal with. Anyhow finally got clearance to take off and as I moved the throttles forward, wahoo! oh the acceleration! Now this is what I call an aircraft!
If you haven't flown a twin before, the takeoffs are like a soft field take off everytime! Climb rate is great and your at 500ft doing the climb check before you can say, "what the.." You have to make your turn from downwind to final in one smooth turn as your going faster, and at 80kts approch speed, that's almost 20kts faster than the cadet. The plane also felt smoother, both due to nice smooth controls and the fact that the aircraft is larger/heavier it doesn't get bumped around by the turbulance nearly as much. I didn't even have full power and we were crusing around at 140kts! Did a few touch and goes to get used to the aircraft, as well as some stalls, slow flight and steep turns. To my suprise the aircraft is easy to handle at slow speeds and stalls were smooth and nothing scary, much like the cadet. Also the duel full color moving map GPS system is great, not only does it show where you are but it also controls the com radios and has lists of frequencies and airport diagrams in the memory. These can be selected by a search or simply by getting a list of nearby airports, just like flightsim!
So I logged my first multi time! With much more to come, I'm going to enjoy flying this bird! I can't wait to start insturment where I can go ziping through clouds at the speed of sounds (ok maybe not quite!
After my flight I geminied with my instructor and another student to get lunch at Sebring, I had gone there previously and it has the best terminal of any uncortroled airport I've ever seen! Complete with hotel, resturant and various gift shops! Unfortunatly the resturant was closed Mondays and instead we got a $100 snickers. (you in avation know what I mean
) Also the airport has a 5000x300ft runway which is kinda weird, plus the one taxiways (I supect a closed runway) was also 300ft wide! Heck you could taxi a C-5 at this place with room to turn around no problem!
Day 5 - Tuesday, Febuary 17th
Another Frasca this morning, 7am start, ugh. Good it was a sim lesson because the weather was kinda crummy anyhow. Today in addition to stuff previously done we also did vyse demos and was showen a few different types of failures such as prop over and under speed. Man you really got to read those engine guages, espically when you have a 'trigger happy' instrctor on the 'fail engine' button.
Well that's all for now, I better get back to studying those checklist!
Day 1 - Friday, Febuary 13th
Well today I had two sessions in the Frasca, I had come in early since my instructor's previous flight had been canceled, and with time to spare we decided to get the 2nd lesson out of the way as well. Not before a free BBQ lunch though!

As for the lessons, we did pattern work and some engine failures and single engine flight. It was mostly about learning the checklist/proceedures than anything. Cheaper in the Frasca than in the Seminole!
Day 2 - Saturday, Febuary 14th
No flying today, just bummed around, feels like a Sunday, I usally fly Saturdays, although it did give me some time to write up the aircraft writen, took up a good portion of the day, also went bowling again tonight with the guys.
Day 3 - Sunday, Feburary 15th
Another day off, just watched the Daytona 500, hard to belive it's only like 30mins from here (by plane) I wanted tickets but waited too long, oh well, maybe next year.
Day 4 - Monday, Febuary 16th
Ah, the day I've been waiting for first flight in the Seminole!

After my flight I geminied with my instructor and another student to get lunch at Sebring, I had gone there previously and it has the best terminal of any uncortroled airport I've ever seen! Complete with hotel, resturant and various gift shops! Unfortunatly the resturant was closed Mondays and instead we got a $100 snickers. (you in avation know what I mean

Day 5 - Tuesday, Febuary 17th
Another Frasca this morning, 7am start, ugh. Good it was a sim lesson because the weather was kinda crummy anyhow. Today in addition to stuff previously done we also did vyse demos and was showen a few different types of failures such as prop over and under speed. Man you really got to read those engine guages, espically when you have a 'trigger happy' instrctor on the 'fail engine' button.
Well that's all for now, I better get back to studying those checklist!