
New Member
Hello all,

I'm looking at colleges in my far I've come up with the University of Central Missouri (UCM, formerly CMSU) and Saint Louis University.

I want to double major in Flight Science (professional pilot) and Spanish.

UCM is the cheaper of the two; however, it is known as a party school. I wouldn't participate in such activities because of my values, but I don't really want to be associated with a school that has such a reputation.

SLU is more of my tempo (minus the catholic affiliation) because it's in a larger city and has a campus in Madrid, España. It is extremely expensive (for me).

Do any of you attend or have attended these schools?? Any views would be greatly appreciated. I haven't really had any campus visits...I've walked around SLU's buuut it was in the rain, and I didn't see much.

Thanks a lot!!

I went to UCM. They have very up to date equipment and are getting ready to add some more stuff including... Two new Skyhawk G1000's, a crosswind trainer, a 737 FTD and also a full motion sim. They have good instructors and have just hired a new chief flight instructor that should add a great deal of experience and contacts to the program.

I had a good time. Its no longer a big party school because the bars no longer allow under 21 year olds in them. If partying isn't your thing then I would just stay out of the fraternitys and you will never even know they went on.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.
The wonderful City of Jefferson (JEF). Although, I hardly do any flying out of here. When I was actively persuing flight training, I went to Fulton (FTT) and liked it more than JEF. Buuut now the FBO doesn't have an airplane anymore, so I'm heading up to MT this summer where my grandpa will help me finish up (I'm at 16.1 hours now).

The wonderful City of Jefferson (JEF). Although, I hardly do any flying out of here. When I was actively persuing flight training, I went to Fulton (FTT) and liked it more than JEF. Buuut now the FBO doesn't have an airplane anymore, so I'm heading up to MT this summer where my grandpa will help me finish up (I'm at 16.1 hours now).

Oh, nice. I fly here at the Downtown Airport (3DW) in Springfield.