Sleep Apnea


New Member
Doc, I was recently diagnosed with MILD sleep apnea after 2 sleep over studies. At first my doctor did not recomend the c-pap machine because it was minor but I told him about getting ready to go for my PPL and he said it would be wise to at least try it to reduce the snoring which I do have.. As for the sleep apnea itself, he said to lose some weight, I am 6' 214lbs and do not look bad but he is the doctor.. I already have my 3rd class medical and have had it since this past January,. I go for my check ride in mid JUNE and wanted to know am I going to have issues getting my ppl with this? My doctor said he would draw up a letter saying how mild it is if need be so not to have any issues etc down the road since there is no sleeping during the day etc..I do not want to have done all this training the last 8 months just to have a set back because of this as I am so close and actually feel fine and had no plans of going commercial just my private, just don't want to get in trouble with the faa on this...HELP....
I read some of the post's about this and do not like what i see or should I say vey saddened...I just want to explain once more that my Doctor did not recomend the c-pap machine because of this being very low(apnea) as I was in no trouble and I am in decent shape, maybe lose a little lbs...There is no medication he prescribed either just reduction in weight...This only happens when i sleep at night, no daytime naps or anything like that, I am pretty healthy..HELP....:panic:
Here is what the FAA wants: Submit all pertinent medical information and current status report. Include sleep study with a polysomnogram, use of medications and titration study results. Have your doctor write a letter that addresses all of the items here. Attacxh copies of the sleep study results and send them to the FAA on OKC.
Sleep Apnea requries a special issuance. You have to submit all medical information and a current status report including a sleep study with a polysomnogram, use of any medications and titration study results to the FAA then they will make a decison. From what I've heard several airline pilots with 1st class medical have this condition however as long as it is under control you should be ok. If you have been diagnoised with Sleep Apnea, even if it is "mild" I believe your current 3rd class medical is no good until you get a special issuance from the FAA.
Doc, this was not my primary doctor, just something my ear nose and throat doctor asked me to do because of snoring and I did as I have insurance and didn't think anything of it.. From what I am reading I am now grounded until I get a special issuance which could be 2-3 months? I have not spoken to my AME yet about this, or my primary doctor on this so I am a little lost..Say i do send these or have my AME sends these forms, I must wait for the FAA with an answer or the special issuance to continue to fly?..It is almost like saying the 8K I just spent is basically gone until I get a letter from my doctor saying I am good or something like that?
As you can tell I am pretty bummed about this as I have just trained so damn hard and now this...


You COULD keep training, you just can't do any solo work or take your private pilot checkride until you get your special issuance.

You really shouldn't be too bummed about this, it is not disquailifying! Yes this might cause you a few months delay for a SI but from what I hear it is usually no problem for the FAA to give you a special issuance on this as long as you submit all the documents the FAA wants and a report from your doctor saying it is all under control.
I have a first class medical with sleep apnea. It took some hoops to jump through. Looks like you are getting it under control. My case took this... Before my days as a pilot I went to the Doc b/c my girlfriend said I was gasping for air while I sleep. So of course sleep apnea. Well the ears nose and throat dude rotor rooted me out. (Tonsils adenoids and hangy ball) He then told me to give it a week or two and see what my girlfriend says now. She said much better, and I felt better when I woke, so it must have worked. Oh about a year later FLIGHT SCHOOL!!!! Well this flight school said I must have a first class medical b/c I wanna be an airline pilot. OK go to the doc....RED FLAG! Of course. What I then had to do was get another sleep study saying I was A-OK. The doc then send whatever it is they send in to OKC and about 2 weeks later TA-DA first class medical. Also I keep going back to the same Doc b/c the 2nd renewal of my 1st class was another call to OKC, but I got it that same day, so who knows what he had to do. Hope this helps, Good luck!!!!
Thanks for the info...I do not have an RX for mine since i am below the limits of this and my epwoth is 1 so i have a letter from the DR saying this as well ..I carry this letter with me now so I am self cert, and also do not plan on going to a 2nd class or 1 st class med.......
The sleep apnea criteria are for ALL classes of certificates. Be prepared to submit the info to the FAA at your next medical. A letter from your doc is of ZERO value to an FAA inspector. They want to see an FAA document and sleep apnea is DQ.
Doc, even if I don't really have this and I am not under RX because of the low range I can not self certify???..I am not tired during the day, don't fall a sleep etc so are you sayimg I am DQ?? My next medical isn't for a year and half.....
Doc, even if I don't really have this and I am not under RX because of the low range I can not self certify???..I am not tired during the day, don't fall a sleep etc so are you sayimg I am DQ?? My next medical isn't for a year and half.....
You cannot self-certify for anything but gliders, hot-air balloons and recreational pilot. Also, if a doc has diagnosed you with sleep apnea or any other disqualifying condition, your current medical certificate is no longer valid.
I'm pretty much in the same boat. I have a first class and have been diagnosed with mild sleep apnea. I just wanted to ask if I need to see my AME first, to pick up any forms needed, and then go see my EN&T Doctor. Or, get my poly and titration from my EN&T doc and then go see my AME. I guess I'm asking if my AME needs anything other than the poly/titration? Statement from my Doc? etc.. Thanks.
You will need to Submit all pertinent medical information and current status report (letter from your doc). Include sleep study with a polysomnogram, use of medications and titration study results.