Ski trip date


Antisocial Monster
Heya everyone,

So I think it's safe to say that everyone wants to go to Salt Lake for a potential ski trip, at least that's what it is starting to look like. Let's say that we're going to try to make this at least a three day weekend? With that in mind, select one of these dates as what is best for you. This will give us the idea of everyone's best avalibility.

February 20, 21, 22
February 26, 27, 28
March 5th, 6th, 7th

Throw down a post with the dates you think you can make it. Only throw down if you can say you are resonably sure you can commit to this as that will make this easier on everyone.


John Herreshoff
With that I can do either of the last two dates as it would only require skipping one day of classes. I believe we can put skibum down for the same vote.


John Herreshoff
Perhaps Ophir could hook you guys up with some ideas on a resort.

BTW, where the heck has Ophir been?
You can count me in for sure. I can change my schedule to fit whatever works for the rest of you. Life is easy when you have a flexible instructor! (Besides, I'm trying to get him hooked on the world of JC as well. He'll probably be there, too!)

Just name a date and place and I will be there. I don't pass up opportunities to ski. I'll be rusty as hell, though, since I haven't gone in a while!
You guys are making me jealous. I would love to go, but there's just no way. Not this year anyways. Unless I win the lottery off the ticket that I invariably get in my stocking every year.
Any one of the three works for me as far as I know. Only request I have would be to set a date as far in advance as we can so people have time to find good deals on airline tickets and make arrangements for time off from jobs.

Looking forward to it!

You guys are making me jealous. I would love to go, but there's just no way. Not this year anyways. Unless I win the lottery off the ticket

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Ditto what ESF said.

All my "extra" $$$ is going towards the remainder of my Commercial certs and my CFI's.

Maybe some day.
Perhaps Ophir could hook you guys up with some ideas on a resort.

BTW, where the heck has Ophir been?

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I'm back. I went to Vail for the World Cup ski races there. FUN

I got some great flying there and back too. REAL FUN

I would be more than happy to help in any capacity. JohnH, just let me know what I can do and I will pitch in.

Resorts: I personally lean towards Snowbird or Alta (20" last night). Solitude and Brighton are supposed to be great too but less vertical. I haven't been over there so I don't know my way around. I have a pass at the Bird so that is my preference. And as Aloft said, Tram, Tram, Tram, Tram. The Tram rocks. So I will help in anyway. I can be instructor, guide, or concierge. We could also plan a day in the backcountry if anyone is keen.
I would love to go. The end of Feb. date works best for me.

Did somebody offer up their house for accomodations? I'll bring my sleeping bag.

How much are lift tickets going for now? I think Mammoth is up to 60 bones.

Ophir, backcountry sounds right good 'bout now.

Ahhh! Backcountry . . .

If there are other BC folks out there who are familiar with terrain, then lets go! But avy beacons, shovels, packs with survival gear, etc., are good things to have if you're heading into the great white fluff . . . You stick the kid in the city, but you'll never take the paranoid outdoor guide out of the kid!
I came really close to get nailed by an avalanche at Tucks on Mt. Washington. Peeps and Shovels are a must if you are going out of bounds, regardless of how well you know the terrain.

That said, I am going to retract my definate "I can go" statement until at least mid January when my work situation settles down a bit (i.e. I get a job!)

Peeps and Shovels are a must if you are going out of bounds, regardless of how well you know the terrain.

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I meant 'you know terrain' as in you have good avy eyes, know how to check the snowpack, and can distinguish between safe, chancey, and stupid. Someone who knows the terrain that we'd be skiing would be a huge bonus, but only if they're avalance aware as well.
Yeah, I won't go out with anyone who doesn't have trancievers and shovel and is willing to go first. HA

I do quite a bit of back country here and we could plan a foray into the backcountry for those who may be interested in hauling your butt up the hill before you come down. The best fun.
Y'all can do the backcountry part without me. I'll be happy to hear about it over the vin chaud back at the lodge, though.

FL270 (a thoroughly intermediate skier)