Single Pilot Jet Ops.

I lived in MS for 21 years. After living in FL (which is NOT the South, even though it is the southern region) 7 years, I actually miss living there. Scary.
Florida is definetly not considered part of the south. I lived in MCO 2 yrs and hated it. Many believe we would be better off if Valdosta Ga was a coastal city...haha
After living in FL (which is NOT the South, even though it is the southern region)

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Amen, bro! WHen I was in college in TN - a REAL southern state, we used to call Florida, "Down North" and I'd tell my buddies down here that I was headed back "Up South" when going back to school.

Florida is quite easily the ballsack of the United States. Hot, sweaty and ...well, you get the picture.

I'm from New York and had the "pleasure" of going to flight school down there and spending about 14 months or so in the state.

Where I'm from we like to call FL New York South since that is where we send all our retirees
If you would put a memo out about sending the old folks down there. Revoke their drivers license or something!!!
You all hung out in the wrong parts of FL.

East Orlando is a great place!

Far away from Disney, tourists and blue hairs.
I guess if you live up around Oviedo may not be to bad... I lived off 436 just north of MCO. Close to work and to ORL. I
It's hilarious, most of the retired cops my Dad knows now live in Florida. Mostly, Ft. Myers. They even have cop bars there! WTFO!

Now my parents are thinking of moving there...
Ft. Myers is a very "two-classed" area. You have all the rich retirees that live on the beach or Sanibel-Captiva, and then you have all the working class people that staff the bars, stores, etc.

There isn't much of a middle class there. On the road you either see Mercedes or pick up trucks!

I lived and worked there for about 5 years, 1990-1995.

I go visit often, and it is growing, but the main industry is still tourism.

Soon, however, it will get in to the financial industry much the way Orlando has.
[ QUOTE ]'s sayin' there's somethin' wrong with pickup trucks?

*grabs shotgun*

[/ QUOTE ]

.....and put's can of Budweiser in Carhart pocket...