Seggy may become a Trump fan

Interesting though that no one from either major political party in congress is rushing to suggest or even put into motion, any restrictions on NAI or operations. One wonders why.

Politics is nothing more than putting out a series of fires. You seen a fire in the media about this yet?
Interesting though that no one from either major political party in congress is rushing to suggest or even put into motion, any restrictions on NAI or operations. One wonders why.

You are flat out wrong.

Here is the link to the bill to enforce the trade agreements and DenyNAI (H.R 5090)...

It had 176 Bipartisan cosponsors.
If I were making billions per year, I would likely just be told to stop my groaning.

They have been making billions for a reason. They are playing on a level playing field, abiding by the rules.

If I had declared bankruptcy multiple times and had been allowed to escape billions in my pension debt, I might not actually have a lot of room to cast stones at others. That's why this is silly: it's the pot calling the kettle black, and the pot is doing pretty darn well. The United States government has propped up US airlines at key times, so this whole spat just turns into a protectionist argument. The answer is very different when the question becomes "should we protect a few mediocre airlines from international competition in a way that will cause US consumers to pay more?"

The US Carriers are far from mediocre. They can't invest in the product like state subsidized ME3, sure, but the service with US Carriers is consistent with other international airlines. Also, as you bring up airfare, adjusted for inflation airfare has actually gone down over they years.

Also, specifically, how has the government 'popped' up US Airlines 'at times'?

Separate from the airlines, literally every other sector and business wants increased airline competition to lower costs. It's why this won't go anywhere, why there will not be another strike at a major (or even key regional) in the next decade, and why issues like NAI will not go the way the airlines/unions wish.

As stated, adjusted for inflation costs are low. So I am not sure what you are getting at here.

It's the rest of the economy vs one segment, and an air transport trade war is just dumb. The US airlines will just have to be happy with the billions they're currently making.

The US Airlines are currently doing ok financially. However, if we let the wolf in the hen house many jobs, including many on this website are at risk.
Trump might do something the day they quit flying American airplanes.

Al Bakar already threatened Europe by saying that they would quit buying Airbus products. Kinda hard to run an international airline if you refuse to use both Boeing and Airbus products.
Al Bakar already threatened Europe by saying that they would quit buying Airbus products. Kinda hard to run an international airline if you refuse to use both Boeing and Airbus products.

L-1011s and DC-10s, resurrected..... :)
Al Bakar already threatened Europe by saying that they would quit buying Airbus products. Kinda hard to run an international airline if you refuse to use both Boeing and Airbus products.

They'll have to wait for the c series-900 maxx. Until then, no one should hold their breath for trump to do something.