i think everyone goes over on the courses at Panam, they tell you to expect about a %10 overage each phase(probably same everywhere, but i really don't know). i only know one guy who is balls out tearing up the courses here. dude finishes everything early and studies like a moe foe. but in reality, most go somewhat over. truth is, these schools don't screen people and they don't intend to teach people how to learn. you'll see outstanding students, medicore students, and people who really can't cut it in any manner. for the normal student its way to easy to get yourself in a bunch if you don't study like an animal. i know i didn't study half as hard as i should of at first. then you learn what that costs you in extra flight time and stress. chair fly like crazy, go sit in the planes and do it....theres always a few archers sitting around. know your panam PTS and manuevers handbook. if you do those two items your flights will be cake walks. as for ground school, its all academics and you just have to study. they can't teach you how to do that. they do have the student Q&A workshop that really really helps if you get a little confused. and by all means ASK QUESTIONS!!! we're all here for the same thing, and we all want to see each other succed(sp.?).
one thing i learned, don't think of your situation in terms of where other people are in their training. we all learn at different paces, and you have to do what you have to do to make yourself comfortable and proficient with the aircraft and flying in general. alright, hope that helps ya. good luck!