Riots in OAK and helpful ATC


Very well Member
On final for 27R this evening, the tower asked if I was driving north on the 880 after landing. Fortunately I wasn't because he said things were a little hectic up that way. Shout out to the guy behind the mic, thank for the heads up!!!
Is that because of the Fruitvale shooting? That was always an "interesting" BART stop enroute to downtown SFO.
Is that because of the Fruitvale shooting? That was always an "interesting" BART stop enroute to downtown SFO.

Its from the shooting that happened around new years, if that happens to be the stop. I'll take your word for it, me thinks its a bad idea to venture out that way.
Yeah, I've been on the road for about ten days, but I even heard about the shooting in Scotland. Thank goodness the TV had an SAP selection to figure out what the heck the Scottish news correspondent was saying in English! :) :sarcasm:
My Europe experience was limited to just Scotland until this New Years and I just figured that accents were hard to deal with for me. But holy crap, the Irish sound just like us. Those crazy Scots are a whole different matter.

And yes, it was the Fruitvale station shooting. One of our members on here is on OPD but I haven't talked to him yet to see if he got to throw any tear gas at people.